Brazil: The Children’s Day is celebrated in Vila Bandeira Vermelha, in Betim

Featured image: Neighbors celebrates the Children’s Day in Village Red Flag. Source: Data bank AND

We publish an unofficial translation of the article of A Nova Democracia on this important celebration.

On past 14th of October, the celebration due to the Children’s Day in Vila Bandeira Vermelha (Village Red Flag) in Betin, Minas Gerais, was carried out. This celebration was organized by the Commission of Neighbors of the Village, LPM, MCP and MFP with the support of the Civil Construction Workers’ Union of Belo Horizonte and the region (MARRETA) and the Minas Gerais’ Executive of Pedagogy Students (ExMEPe).

The students offered several such as sack races, face painting and painting and origami workshops. Village residents distributed bags of popcorn, lollipops, candies and sweets to the children, which were obtained through donations made by the neighbors and supporters.

Activities with Children. Source Data bank AND

It was an afternoon of fun and politicization, when the organizations remembered a little bit of the history of the village and the organizations that helped organize the combative resistance in 1999.

After the joyful celebration, together with the children, the neighbors carried out a debate on the continuity of the struggle of the immediate delivery of all families’ documentation, putting an end in the nonsense of the town hall that has lasted more than twenty years!

Children playing during the Children’s Day. Source Data bank AND

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