Ethiopia: New clashes between Fano militias and the ENDF

Featured image: The map of the regions of Ethiopia. Source: Mapsales website

New clashes between the Fano militias, formed mainly of peasants and youth of the Amhara nationality, and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces – ENDF have occurred in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. There has been clashes between the Fano and ENDF in Bure in West Gojam zone, Debre Markos in East Gojam zone, Meteh Bila in North Shewa zone and Zobel mountains near Kobo town in North Wello zone. In August of this year, the president Abiy Ahmed declared a new state of emergency in Ethiopia to get a hold of the country. Forces of ENDF are present in every major town of Amhara where there is Fano militias, and clashes are frequent. In last weeks, the Party of Abiy, the Prosperity Party (PP) has also been holding trainings for its mid-level and senior leaders in Bahir Dar and Dessie in the Amhara region as a provocation.

Between the 14th and 20th of October there were also 13 clashes between Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) in the Oromia region. On the 20th of October suspected OLF militants abducted at least four Chinese nationals from the East Cement factory in Oromia after intense fighting between the ENDF and the militants.

Map showing an overview of different events in the conflict in Ethiopia between the 14th and 20th of October. Source: Ethiopia Peace Observatory

Since May 2022, the Amhara people have been struggling against the Ethiopian State, led by Abiy Ahmed, who was granted a Nobel peace prize by the imperialists in 2019 for temporarily stabilizing the region for them by making a peace treaty with Eritrea and ”putting Ethiopia on the path of democracy” – a path which has been marked by bloody repression of the struggle of the many nationalities of Ethiopia, as well as putting masses of different nationalities against each other. As we previously reported, on the 13th of October the mandate of the US-dominated imperialist institution UN to investigate ”human rights” violations in Ethiopia came to an end. The final report of this investigation revealed how systematically the ENDF uses sexual abuse, torture and mass killings against civilians. Only a few days prior the UN warned of a heightened risk of a genocide in Ethiopia. In addition, now also the tensions with Eritrea have risen again, as Abiy has declared that Ethiopia is seeking a way to have sea access, to benefit the imperialist robbing of the country.

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