Mexico: Report on the Presentation on 25th of November

We publish an unofficial translation on the article of Periódico Mural of Mexico on their presentation for 25th November, International Day against Patriarchal Violence.

On November 25, on the Day against Patriarchal Violence and Colonialism, the People’s Women’s Movement in collaboration with Periódico Mural held a presentation in the City of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The attendants from different sectors of the working class and the people were able to learn, analyze and got profoundly into the work that the Mirabal sisters carried out against the dictatorship and colonialism in the Dominican Republic, observing that this is an ongoing struggle for the countries oppressed by imperialism. An immediate way to understand it is the semi-colonial oppression that Mexico suffers by Yankee imperialism, and a strong example is the current situation suffered by the people of Palestine, mainly women and children, under the bombings of criminal Zionism. From Mexico to Palestine, the struggle does not end!

Also the documentary “Las Mariposas: hermanas Mirabal” (The Butterflies: Mirabal Sisters) made in 2010 was presented to learn a little more on the life story and political struggle of Minerva, Patria and María Teresa. After this, the participants discussed different points of view about the topic and the importance of women’s participation in revolutionary processes.

The presentation took back to the resolutions of the 2nd Meeting of People’s Women, held in July 2022. In this way, a speech on violence against women was held. A group of comrade lawyers taught general concepts about the different types of violence and the legal tools in case of suffering any of these, beyond the difficulties and procedural obstacles imposed by the law. This is important in the daily lives of working class women, whether we are grandmothers, mothers or daughters, since the greatest patriarchal violence is focused against women of the people, and in a society divided into social classes like this, the law does not treat equally the poor and the rich. Bourgeois justice is also class violence and we must learn to combat it.

During the event, various materials were distributed, including a special supplement from Periódico Mural, a story titled “The Rights of Small Nations” by John Reed and some solidarity leaflets with the New Culture in the framework of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

Finally, we talked about Proletarian Feminism, supported by the text of our comrades from France: What is Proletarian Feminism?, making clear that there are different types of feminism and that ours truly serves the interests of our class and the World Proletarian Revolution. Furthermore, highlighting how valuable it is to organize working women in the countryside and the city under these thesis, side by side with our classmates, we can understand that the emancipation of women will only be possible with the emancipation of the proletariat as the class called to bury private property, understanding that it is a class struggle and not a struggle between genders as postmodernism proposes.

The MFP has taken the opportunity to invite more women to participate in the anti-imperialist struggle and against colonialism. This Wednesday, November 29, there will be a unitary march of different organizations in the city of Oaxaca in support of the Palestinian cause and our flags will be present.

We ended the event with the singing of the working class anthem “The Internationalewhere we reaffirmed ourselves in the construction of the MFP with the purpose of bringing to all the women of the town the scientific ideology of the proletariat, forming in each community and/or union a germ of our movement.

Stop patriarchal violence against women!
Against imperialism, colonialism and wars of aggression!
Proletarian feminism destroys patriarchy!

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