Battles around Bureij refugee camp and Khan Younis in Gaza, Israel continues bombing of civilians

Featured image: Aftermath of Israeli bombing of az-Zawayda. Source: Al Jazeera

Intense battles continue in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The Israeli forces are attempting to encircle the Bureij refugee camp in Gaza, and are facing resistance from fighters of the Palestinian national resistance front. IDF soldiers have been reported to have been died and injured in the battles. According to reports, a minefield was detonated north from the camp and the national resistance fighters have managed to hit a special unit of the IDF in direct combat. In southern Gaza, battles continue near Khan Younis, with two Merkava tanks reported to have been destroyed. Rockets were also launched towards southern Israel. On Friday, Palestinian national resistance fighters clashed with Israeli soldiers in at least 13 locations in the occupied West Bank. In addition to this, the Hezbollah carried out at least 8 attacks near the Lebanon-Israel border. The Israeli military also announced that an officer of the IDF, Captain Harel Sharvit, was killed in battle in northern Gaza.

On the 29th of December the death toll of the genocide of Israel in Gaza passed 21,500 people, and is rapidly going up, with over a 100 dead in the last 24 hours, as Israel intensifies the bombing of southern Gaza. Israel is bombing the same areas where people were told to ”evacuate”. On Friday, it also fired at an UN aid convoy which was moving along a route which had been agreed upon with the army.

For the second time in a month, the administration of Joe Biden bypassed the US Congress to approve an ”emergency” weapons sale to Israel, amounting to $147,5 million. “The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to US national interests to ensure Israel is able to defend itself against the threats it faces”, said the statement of the State Department of the US. The items provided to Israel enable it to continue the high-intensity bombing of civilians.

International solidarity actions continue.

In Melbourne, Australia, a rally was held in a shopping center, calling to end the genocide carried out by Israel.

In Rabat, Morocco, a rally was held against Israel and US imperialism, protesting the normalization of diplomatic ties with Israel.

Thousands attended the rally in Rabat, Morocco. Source: Hespress

In Yemen, hundreds of thousands have again taken the streets in Sanaa and other provinces under the slogan ”With you to victory, the Americans will not stop us”.

Massive protest in Sanaa, Yemen. Source: ABNA

Protesters blocked traffic on two major US airports, Los Angeles International Airport and New York’s JFK International Airport on Wednesday in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Protesters blocking the traffic to JFK airport in New York. Source: Reuters

In Paris, France, a massive demonstration was held on the 30th of December in support of the people of Palestine.

In Saint Étienne, France, activists of the LJR have carried out actions with the Palestine Committee 42.

In Tokyo, Japan, a rally in support of Palestine was held on the 30th of December.

In Bremen, Germany, dazibaos and the ICL poster for Palestine have been put up.

In Hamburg, a rally with around 300 participants denouncing the genocide carried out by Israel was organized on the 27th of December. Activists of the Red League held a speech, in which the role of the imperialists, especially German imperialism, was denounced and the strengthening of the international anti-imperialist movement was called for.

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