Mexico: On the recent meeting of the National People’s Assembly

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the article published in Sol Rojista México.

The emergency meeting of the National Popular Assembly [ANP] was held on 10th of February which, as we have reported, was called after the release of the eight military detained for the forced disappearance of 43 teacher students from Ayotzinapa and the sabotage against the meeting on 11th of January. Although the soldiers have already been recaptured there was still the need to meet, establish an action plan, etc. The comrades of Tlachinollan have published the position of the mothers and fathers of the 43 which, among other things, states:

As the mothers and fathers of the 43 we continue united and firm in the struggle for the alive presentation of our children, the government’s attempts to divide us will be useless.

The current government has made an agreement with the economic and military elite to keep capitalism without changes and to deepen the economic model.”

This Assembly once again reaffirmed to never stop struggling despite the desertions and betrayals of people who want to sell the struggle, which is possible. Thus, the majority of organizations and groups firmly assumed the position of the anti-electoral nature of the ANP, rejecting and criticizing those who agree with electoral political parties. They were also criticized for their opportunistic handling of the previous report, with which they tried to hide the criticism against them. Obviously the cretinist-parliamentary opportunists fear discussion and open confrontation with the consequent part of the movement, because they did not respond.

The Current of the People – Red Sun participated reaffirming our commitment to the just struggles of the ANP and for the alive presentation of the 43 disappeared students. We have confirmed that we stand firm in the ANP and its anti-electoral, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist character. Together with the colleagues of the Periódico Mural Newspaper (PM) delivered our proposals through a special supplement of the PM prepared for this meeting.

The National Popular Assembly must overcome the dispersion and the current informative nature to firmly resume the combativeness and strength of its actions with which it was born almost 10 years ago. We propose a reorganization and struggle plan based on the following axes:

1. To improve the articulation of the forces that historically participated in the ANP based on assembly and collective taking of decisions, making ours the demands for justice of all our organizations.

2. To call to other expressions of the people’s movement to join us, maintaining our class independence from the old State and its electoral parties.

3. To create State and/or local structures of the ANP to expand our range of action and ensure simultaneous actions in each entity.

4. To firmly return to the anti-electoral, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist character of this ANP to distance ourselves from the opportunism that has demobilized large sectors of the people.

5. To promote a large BOYCOTT campaign against the bourgeois electoral farce, informing the people, denouncing all the candidates and parties from the old State, encouraging the null votes (passive boycott) and carrying on actions such as the withdrawal and sabotage of electoral propaganda, among other strong actions (active boycott).”

This special edition of the Periódico Mural was distributed among the members of the Assembly, the students of the “Raúl Isidro Burgos” Rural Teachers School and on an information table, which also contained the political declaration of our recent General Assembly, as well as such as several publications from Periódico Mural and the Cultural and Scientific Studies Center for the Proletarian Revolution. Among these the essay on the struggle for the Palestinian National Liberation, which was of special interest. In this spirit, several groups and organizations took position for the need for internationalism and support for this heroic struggle, both in the speeches and in the discussions around the Assembly.

Finally, together with our comrades from the Palestine-Mexico platform, we participated in a march in support of the Palestinian National Resistance in Mexico City and we committed ourselves to developing ties of unity in defense of the Palestinian cause and proletarian internationalism.

We welcome the Day of Struggle and the Action Plan agreed by the ANP and we hope to soon be able to share more reports or agreements as soon as they are published.

Because they took them alive, we want them alive!

Ayotzinapa, it was the State!

Truth and justice for Ayotzinapa!

Stop the war against the people and stop the State terrorism!

Boycott against the bourgeois electoral farce!

Don’t vote, organize and struggle!

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