Important dates for the agrarian movement in Mexico
We publish and unofficial translation of the section on Mexico of the Weekly Newsletter of Sol Rojo Mexico.
This week important dates of the agrarian movement in our country, and particularly or our democratic organization, are commemorated. First the 10th of April is the 105th anniversary of the murder of General Emiliano Zapata, Commander in Chief of the Liberator Army of the South that under the banner of the Plan of Ayala struggled for the land during the process of the uncompleted bourgeois democratic revolution. Then the 11th of April is the 5th anniversary of the murder of comrade Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, known dearly by the poor peasants and the fishers of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as “Comandante Gato”, who lead the struggle of the Committee for the Defense of the Land against dispossession and imposition of imperialist mega-projects of dispossession and death, as well as for being an activist and promoter of the Civil Resistance against the high prices of the CFE1 leading to payment strikes in agricultural and fishing communities in the east of the isthmus. In addition, the 13th of April is the 1st anniversary of the murder of comrade Félix Vicente Cruz, who was murdered while fulfilling the community mandate of the Municipal Agency of “Veinte de Noviembre”[Twentieth of November], in San Francisco Ixhuatán, Oaxaca. Some mobilizations are planned regarding these crimes committed against the agrarian movement. With these actions the 2nd phase of our Days of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People starts, with demanding justice and yielding honor to the heroes of the people. Current of the People Red Sun upholds the struggle for land together with the struggle for national liberation as central tasks for the New Democratic Revolution. Develop the agrarian and anti-imperialist Revolution!
1Note by translator: The energy company of the old Mexican State.