Actions for the upcoming 1st of May

We continue our reports on the preparations and mobilizations for the upcoming 1st of May:

A joint event was organized by the TKP/ML and the CPG/ML for the anniversary of the 200 communists who were shot and killed by the Nazi invaders in Kaiseriani, Athens, in 1944, and for the upcoming First of May. On Friday, April 26, they marched with a banner saying “Glory to the 1st of May, the Day of Struggle and Solidarity of Workers and Toilers” in Turkish and Greek. At the monument commemorating the 200 murdered communists in a moment of silence those who became immortal in the struggle for revolution and communism were greeted in Greek and Turkish. The people marched shouting slogans and wore a banner reading “Long Live the Common Struggle of the Peoples Against Imperialism, Chauvinism and All Kinds of Reaction“.

Partizan readers reportedly are mobilizing the people of Dersim to the First of May with actions in Dersim Center and Hozat. Posters and leaflets were spread and the people was called to march in the Partisan ranks.

Also the exact time and date of the demonstration in Dersim were published:

Date: Wednesday, May 1

Meeting place: Sanat Sokağı

Time: 10.00

A music album titled “Hands of Freedom”, performed by revolutionary music groups, was released today. Grup İsyan Ateşi, Vardiya Müzik Grubu, Praksis, Sarya Müzik Topluluğu, Geniş Merdiven Orkestra, Gölgedekiler, Vodvil, Umuda Haykırış, Sol Anahtarı, Sokak Orkestrası, Muteriz, JinMa, Hevra, Grup Yel Değirmeni, Grup Munzur and Bajar met under the roof of Sol Müzik. The album can be found at their Youtube-Channel:

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