Palestine: global outcry against the genocidal criminal offensive on Rafah
Featured image: protesters throwing petrol bombs at the Israeli embassy at Mexico City. Source: Yeni Demokrasi
In recent days, the State of Israel has intensified its attack on Rafah, including the ground offensive. All this despite the repeated demands to stop the offensive and the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), showing once again how the imperialists and their lackeys do not respect the legality imposed by the bourgeoisie itself. This offensive has led to widespread denunciation by people all over the world. Day after day several new massacres are reported with dozens of people murdered and new bombings on refugee camps and on displaced people. The largest of these massacres occurred on Sunday, in which at least 50 people died and hundreds were seriously injured. In this attack it has been shown that weapons manufactured in the US and delivered to Israel by Yankee imperialism were used. Specifically, GBU-39 bombs were used, which are very dangerous in densely populated areas.
Despite this, the imperialists continue to shamelessly support the State of Israel, especially Yankee imperialism, which is the main supporter of the genocide that is being perpetrated in Palestine. After the offensive on Rafah, US authorities stated that what happened would not change US policy with Israel or the military aid provided, because “red lines were not crossed”. Meanwhile, high authorities such as Vice-president Kamala Harris and John Kirby made statements about how the Israeli offensive was a “tragedy,” but at the same time they made it clear that nothing would change in the relationship between the United States and the State of Israel.
With bombardments and massacres increase on Rafah, in the Gaza Strip the number of victims has grown to a total of 36,224 murdered, 81,777 wounded. Recently has been known the number of abducted Palestinians in West Bank since 7th of October: 8,910 people. Israeli forces have continued their attacks on West Bank and fires are reported in vegetable markets caused by Israeli attacks.
In West Bank attacks by the al-Qassam Brigades on Israeli territory have been recorded. Recently the Palestinian resistance carried out an attack using a car to run over and eliminate two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah.
In Rafah, Gaza Strip, the al-Qassam Brigades have reported on a successful ambush in which several Israeli soldiers have been eliminated after blowing up a building and sniping the uncovered soldiers. At least three soldiers were reportedly eliminated and many others seriously injured. A video of the operation has been published on social media:
At the same time, it is reported that in another successful operation a tank Merkava has been destroyed and troop concentrations in northern Gaza have been hit:
In the Middle East, numerous actions have been carried against the State of Israel and the imperialists who support it.
In Lebanon, Hezbollah continues its fight against the State of Israel. It has recently published numerous reports of attacks carried out on Israeli border positions and settlers, such as Metulah or Kiryat Shmona.
Wednesday 29th was an intensive day of attacks, being hit numerous Israeli targets.
Recently another video was also shared on social media in which they showed how an Israeli Merkava tank was destroyed:
Ansar Allah (known as the ‘Houthis’) from Yemen has carried out numerous attacks in recent days, hitting a Greek ship with the Marshall Islands’ flag. In turn several American and Israeli merchant ships and two Yankee destroyers have been attacked. In one of its attacks Ansar Allah has hit a ship with missiles, and this has been acknowledged by the British authorities. Recently the Al-Mayadeen media reported that the ship received up to five hits.
They have also claimed to have shot down a Yankee MQ9 drone, known as “Reaper”, of high value and sophistication:
The resistance and solidarity shown by Ansar Allah has led to numerous imperialist powers harshly attacking Yemen. This week another imperialist power, Australia, has decided to take another step in its policy against the people of Palestine and those who support them, and has decided to include Ansar Allah on the list of terrorist organizations.
It has also been reported that on Monday and Tuesday of this week, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq attacked the port of Eilat, State of Israel, with drones.
Actions in solidarity also continue in many other parts of the world. Upon learning of the criminal and genocidal offensive against Rafah, the people of the world have taken to the streets of numerous countries to protest these events and to show their support for Palestine. Here we collect some of the actions that have been carried out since the last time we reported on it:
In Istanbul, Turkey, there have been mobilizations against the recent attacks on Rafah, in which Partizan and New Democratic Youth participated. During the protest, a banner that read “Murderous Israel, get out of Rafah”, was displayed. The role of Yankee imperialism in the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel was condemned, and the slogan “Long live the Global Intifada” was shouted.

In Aubervilliers, France, the local committee of La Cause du Peuple and Jeunes Révolutionnaires held a rally in support of the people of Palestine on Friday, May 24. The Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR) also participated and in total there were more than 100 attendees. In it, there was an homage to the more than 30,000 martyrs who fell in Palestine. The destruction, massacre and all Israeli crimes were denounced. The repression suffered by the masses who support the Palestinian Resistance in other countries was also denounced and the cut of democratic rights that is being carried out was denounced. Slogans were also shouted in support of the Kanak people and their flags were hoisted.

In Toulouse, the LJR also participated in a rally to denounce the massacres committed in Rafah:
In Paris on Monday there was a large demonstration protesting the attack on Rafah by Israel. More than 10,000 people attended the demonstration. LJR participated in it along with other groups.
In Copenhagen, Denmark, an emergency demonstration against the aggression on Rafah was held on May 27. The demonstration marched to the Israeli embassy in Denmark, and after the end time there were protesters who remained at the place. The police brutally repressed the protesters, and Røde Fane denounces how Danish imperialism continues to show itself as a great supporter of the State of Israel, and therefore of the genocidal policies against the people of Palestine.

In Zurich, Switzerland, a mobilization was held that denounced the Israeli bombing and the role of Yankee imperialism in the Rafah massacres. AGEB, ITIF and Partizan participated in the mobilization.

In Nuremberg, Germany, students and AGEB activists protested the Rafah massacre and shouted slogans against the State of Israel.

In Mexico City, Mexico, an urgent call was held to protest against the Israeli attack on Rafah. Protesters clashed with the police, hurling bricks and petrol bombs at the Israeli embassy.

In Valencia, Spanish State, the Spanish authorities confirmed again its hypocrisy by pretending to be pro-Palestinian, but repressing the movement in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Recently they have deployed the national police and attacked and maligned the pro-Palestinian encampment of the Polytechnic University of the city.
In Barcelona, a rally was held and it was attended by more than 500 people who denounced the genocide perpetrated by Israel and denounced the complicit role of the European Union in it.

In Brussels, Belgium, a demonstration with hundreds of people took place on Tuesday afternoon and marched towards the Israeli embassy, demanding to stop the genocidal operations in Gaza and protesting the Rafah massacre. The demonstration was met with tear gas and water cannons by the police.

Repression has also occurred in other countries such as England, where in London there was a demonstration that gathered between 8,000 and 10,000 people, which was repressed and there were around 40 arrested by the police.

In Detroit, USA, hundreds of protesters blocked the city downtown on Monday. They demanded an end to US aid to Israel, and they called Joe Biden a ‘liar’. This action joins many other mobilizations these days in the city. Among them stand out the Palestinian encampment at the University of Michigan or the one at Wayne State University.
In Stockholm, Sweden, police unleashed dogs on students who were demonstrating at the Royal Institute of Technology in support of Gaza and against the genocide perpetrated by Israel.
In Ecuador, the Front for the Defense of the Struggles of the People of Ecuador has released a statement which criticized the “tools of imperialism” as the ICJ, UN, etc., as well as upheld the solidarity of the peoples of the world. In the statement the role of Yankee imperialism on the genocide being perpetrated is also denounced.