AND: Editorial – Boss ordered, what will the government do?
We publish an unofficial translation of the last editorial of A Nova Democracia.
The objectives of the new “tax adjustment” are to guarantee the merciless looting of the Nation’s coffers, in addition to maximum profit by fleecing our people; in addition to extorting all the current government (which is docile in front of the orders from financial capital).
“Tax adjustment” is the order of the day, for the pressure from the “bosses” of the government – the financial oligarchy – and widely announced by the press monopolies. There is a reason why, in May, O Globo editorial stated, in bold letters: “tax adjustment is imperative for the country”. Only remains the compliance of the order by the government, as the lackey it is – after all, this was the agreement made by Luiz Inácio and his “Frente Brasil Popular” with the “devil”: receive his support, defeat Bolsonaro and govern, with the policies of the badly-called “neoliberalism”, which appeared in Bolsonaro and Paulo Guedes’ tax program.
The pressure that grows for “tax adjustment” now has a reason. The objective is double: first to guarantee the merciless looting of the Nation’s coffers, in addition to maximum profit by fleecing our people; second, extort the remains of the current government, because, knowing that it is docile in the face of the orders of financial capital, the demoralization in the eyes of the electorate deepens, opening the way to grow for a “pure blood” candidacy from the big bourgeoisie and latifundium by 2026.
No one should think that the president of the republic remained silent: “It is the rich who take over part of the country’s budget and complain about what you are spending on the poor people… They are the same people who have R$546 billion in exemption, payroll relief, tax exemption”, said the president. What a beautiful speech – but contrasting with the government’s practice, which in a hateful show of hypocrisy, he stood against the professors at federal universities, blaming them for the strike, and even said that he was not afraid of the strikers. As can be seen, he was polite and courteous in his chivalrous criticisms of his “bosses”, and furious in his condemnation of the ended strike.
In fact, although he says he will not make a “tax adjustment” on social spending, that is exactly what the government has done.
Perhaps this is why Luiz Inácio continues to quote Bolsonaro in his speeches – reportedly contrary to the instructions of his PR team. After all, the only way to present yourself as the antithesis of the slave catcher is to twist words, contrasting extremes in selective comparisons, to try to hide the fact that, in economics and politics, it remains the same: an economy centered on the mono-culture agro-exporting latifundium of primary production, government supported by an alliance with the Bolsonarist “center”, with gradual destruction of public education and health and unprecedented setbacks in democratic freedoms, as most recently came to light with the “Rapist Project Law”, an ignominy that threatens to condemn a raped woman who had an abortion with more years in prison than her own rapist.
Lovers of democratic freedoms, progressives, must have no doubt that only by occupying the streets and marching for their rights, against the gradual liquidation of democratic freedoms, will they be able to defend them and, with the organized people, bring down the old reactionary “democratic” order of exploiters and oppressors. Every commitment to this and its current governments, incubators of fascism and the extreme right, results in defeats and the return of the “pure-blood” reactionary governments.