Philippines: PRWC – Unwavering support for the revolution of the masses of Samar

Hereby we share an article published in the website Philippine Revolution.

Generations may have passed, but the support of the peasant masses of Samar for the New People’s Army (NPA) remain unwavering. This was the message of the revolutionary masses in the province when they had an opportunity to meet the NPA after some time.

“Our parents raised me and my siblings having the high respect for comrades,” said Ka Amboy in a simple but meaningful celebration of the NPA’s 55th anniversary on March 29. Despite being unacquainted with most of the new fighters who came to them, he immediately became familiar and comfortable with the comrades. “I remember my father’s words, that wherever we go and meet the NPA, they are ours, because they fight for poor people like us.”

Ka Amboy always reminds his villagers that they achieved economic victories and measly benefits from the government because of the revolutionary movement. They confidently said that many people still support, cherish and join hands with the NPA in their village because of this.

Another farmer thanked the mostly young fighters. “You are continuing the struggle which my brother died for,” said Ka Ambon. His brother was martyred in a battle in 1987. He himself wanted to join the NPA but had many small children at the time. “Now, I can’t anymore because of my age and rheumatism,” he said. “I thank you for persevering. I may not be with you, but whenever you need me, my family and I are here to help.” He is also ready to support any of his grandchildren who would join the people’s army.

The villagers thanked the NPA’s help in their farms. “Even when we weren’t there and without our knowledge, you continue to help us in the farm,” said Ka Huling. “We really thank you. Honestly, it is here with you that I felt the true joy of service. So I’m really happy when I’m with you. We really love you.”

The masses said they almost fell for the military’s claim that the people’s army had been driven away from their area since no NPA unit had visited them for a while. “When we heard comrades are here, our hopes were reignited,” said Ka Bining, who attended the gathering. But she said they were also cautious as they may just be masquerading as Red fighters. She was relieved when she mingled with the fighters.

“I know that the NPA will always be with us until we’ve won victory,” she said.

She said she never betrayed comrades. “I have not changed, despite the enemy’s prolonged stay, I did not surrender,” she said. “I kept secret what I know, until now.”

Apart from emotional words, the masses offered songs and other cultural performances, which entertained and raised the morale of the comrades. The comrades also thanked the residents for their brave and warm welcome and for keeping their presence and movements unknown to the military. While the masses and the people’s army are gathered in the area, at least 40 columns were conducting military operations in the barangays covered by the towns of San Jose de Buan, Gandara, San Jorge, Catbalogan, Motiong, Jiabong and Paranas in Samar and the villages of Can-avid and Dolores in Eastern Samar. About 80 barrios [Editor’s note: refers to barangay, term used for villages in the countryside, or neighborhoods in the cities] are under RCSP [Editor’s note: Retooled Community Support Program, framework in which are included repressive operations head by Secretary of the Interior and Local Government of the old Filipino State] operations.

In that gathering, the Red commanders, fighters and revolutionary masses collectively affirmed their dedication and determination to advance the revolutionary struggle. Armed with the lessons of the past, they are determined to overcome the identified weaknesses and make every effort to respond to the call to set the armed struggle ablaze and advance with greater strength.

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