Mexico: Weekly Newsletter

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the Mexico part of the last weekly newsletter:

Mexico. On August 6, the hearing of last arguments within the trial mounted against the comrade José Díaz Gómez, support base of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), detained since November 25, 2022 and currently detained in the State Center of Social Reintegration of Sentenced People No. 17, of Catazajá, Chiapas. The comrade is accused of robbery with violence and it has been possible to document that during his confinement he has been a victim of torture, cruel treatment and incommunication. In this regard, the Human Rights Center Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (Frayba) has called to carry out solidarity actions with the Zapatista political prisoner, who they consider a hostage of the Morena governments of Chiapas and of the Republic. At the same time, the case of comrade Arnulfo García Santos, a member of the Committee of Displaced Triquis of San Miguel Copala , part of the Current of the People – Red Sun, remains hermetic, without allow him access to a proper defense; our comrade was arbitrarily arrested on June 28, 2024 and he is currently being held in the Social Reintegration Center No. 3, in Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. The comrade is accused of the crime of qualified homicide in the middle of a judicial set-up of the MULT-Morena paramilitaries. A few days ago the comrade Arnulfo sent a letter from prison , which has already been spread in several independent media; moreover posters and graffiti have been made demanding for his release. CP – Red Sunis preparing mobilizations to denounce this political detention and the judicial set-up against our comrade. Freedom for José Díaz Gómez, base of the EZLN! Freedom for Arnulfo García Santos, member of the CP-Red Sun!

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