AND: Editorial – the budget continues to be given to the friends of Bolsonaro
We publish an unofficial translation of the Editorial by A Nova Democracia.
It is in the agrarian-peasant question where the democrats must attempt and act with solidarity: it is here where the masses have organized with self-defense armed groups to resist the civil counter-revolutionary war promoted by the big landlord bolsonarism and to transform it in a peasant war for the Agrarian Revolution, which will echo in the city with the raise of the people’s resistance protests.
After meeting to try to heal the new chapter of the institutional crisis, the “three branches of government” of this republic only changed the gallery to keep the budget stealing. During the meeting there were “discussions”, states the press monopoly, but the criminal connivance was kept. It is stated that now the “Pix amendments”, mandatory parliamentary amendments which beneficiaries and purposes were impossible to track.
This was the major robbing of public money in history, promoted by the National Congress rats. They make the main characters of the “budget dwarf” scandal as scourges. The assault on the coffers at day light with anonymous guarantee, which started with the Bolsonaro government with its “Secret Budget” currently deepens with the current PT government and his wide front with the liberal right. It still continues, but in a different way: now, money is theoretically trackable and must be linked to PAC plans. The over-invoicing and the vote buying scheme with mathematically calculated operations for the electoral period continue without punishment, that is clear. Additionally, individuals and bank money, which fills the pockets of the big landlords and the bolsonarist “center” in the Congress increased, which will guarantee – using all the already manipulated money – to the construction of a big electoral circus that will bring “center” bolsonarist a great victory in the municipal elections, as it is shown by the false-left analysts. This was the agreement closed by STF, National Congress and the federal government.
So, the Union’s budget continues in the hands of the Congress, the place were the greater thieves of the Republic are safe, where half of it is part of the Ruralist Bench and are big fans of Bolsonaro – even though they think different on the way of solving the political crisis, the consummation of the coup d’état. The friends of Bolsonaro keep ruling the public money, and they steal it: for this were celebrated the elections on 2022?
Maybe, to congratulate them and show their servitude, Luiz Inácio made the major Safra Plan of the history for 2024-2025, which is 400 billions of Reais. This number supports the monoagricultural and agro-exporter monopolist economical activity, which does not pay even a cent in loans for the exportation of grain. This is the demonstration of servitude of this government, which states to be progressive and laughs at our impoverished people. The whole education money, from the superior to basic education, to the payment of workers, construction of buildings, etc. sums up in 2024 to 180 billions of Reais, not mentioning the cuts – this is not even 45% of the money of Plan Safra. The budget for the whole public Health, including the worker’s payments, is up to 231 billions of Reais, what is less than 58% of Safra Plan. (Note: also, Luiz Inácio’s Treasury minister, Fernando Haddad, said in a recent interview that it is necessary to cut funds in social programs and areas “not to take it from who needs it”, but to “correct distortions”. But, there is no major distortion than this adulation of agro-business, without comparatives in the recent history and make Bolsonaro jealous!)
That is why Luiz Inácio cannot stay in defense of the poor masses of the countryside, who confront the paramilitary bands of the big landlords. According to CPT analysis, in 2023, already under the opportunist government, Brazil overcame the amount of agrarian conflicts, which only were so big in 1986, during the change of military regime to “democratization”, overcoming the macabre periods, as 1995 (Peasent Reistance of Santa Elina, in Corumbiara-RO) and of 1996 (Peasant Resistance of Macaxeira, in Eldorado dos Carajás-PA). What this government has done in favor of the peasant masses… is it the same as it promised to do? Nowadays, in Maranhão and Pernambuco, peasants are in struggle and confronting goons and police forces, there they have also built prisons, made death threats and are torturing peasants, for example in Itinga do Maranhão. Did the opportunists and the government even made a note on the big landlords and its campaigns with the police, boasting of their “zero invasion”? Or the genocide against Guarani-Kaiowá, they will say it was done in favor of the people?
The silence that shows complicity is no coincidence: is an effective position, of support, to the agro-bussiness dictatorship, the new costume of the big landlord, who kill the people under servitude and landlessness. It is in the agrarian-peasant question where the democrats must attempt and act with solidarity: it is here where the masses have organized with self-defense armed groups to resist the civil counter-revolutionary war promoted by the big landlords bolsonarism and to transform it in a peasant war for the Agrarian Revolution, which will echo in the city with the raise of the people’s resistance protests.