Punalippu: Long live the 106th anniversary of the Communist Party of Finland!
We publish an unofficial translation of a statement published by Punalippu:
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
On the 106th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Finland, today, August 29, 2024, the Punalippu [Translator’s note: Red Flag] editorial board salutes the international proletariat and the peoples of the world in their tireless struggle to make proletarian world revolution, as well as the communists in formation in Finland who are struggling to reconstitute the SKP [Translator’s note: Suomen Kommunistisen Puolueen, Communist Party of Finland] to make a socialist revolution through People’s War as part and service of the World Revolution.
We express our deepest and most devout tributes to the eternal class heroes of the Finnish workers’ revolution and the respected founders of the Communist Party of Finland and its honored martyrs.
We confirm our ideological submission to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo. Eternal glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
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The Finnish workers’ revolution of 1918 is the highest moment of the class struggle in Finland, and the Communist Party of Finland was founded on the basis of its heavy lessons paid in blood and on Leninism, which was victoriously emerging. In the first words of its founding statement, our Party stated its permanent goal:
“The Communist Party of Finland is a Party of the proletariat, of the workers, which exclusively pursues the cause of the working class, trying to bring it to power, to destroy the bourgeois State and the capitalist economic system.”
Today, the revisionists have rejected these blood-paid teachings and make a mockery of the sacrifices made by the proletariat of Finland. They have abandoned the struggle to eradicate the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and imperialism.
Maoism equips the real communists with numerous superior theoretical weapons in the struggle to fulfill the basic mission of the SKP, therefore the task today is to reconstitute the SKP as a Maoist Party. We would like to point out two main weapons that Maoism has given to us:
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in perspective Maoism’s highest revolutionary contribution to the treasure of proletarian ideology, a form of continuing the revolution in the dictatorship of the proletariat in response to a problem that was unsolved before Chairman Mao. At best, Finnish revisionists have a “careless” or “indifferent” attitude to the class struggle in socialism, at worst they support all the worst counter-revolutionary coups against the dictatorships of the proletariat.
People’s War, the most immediate revolutionary contribution of Maoism, the military theory of the proletariat in response to the need shown by Engels to develop the proletariat’s own military theory. A people’s war brings with it a strategy to seize power for the proletariat, in our case the dictatorship of the proletariat in a socialist revolution, and to defend it against counter-revolution and develop it through cultural revolutions. The Finnish revisionists only serve rotten parliamentary cretinism or agnosticism to the question of seizing power for the proletariat.
With the help of these two observations alone, we can see who are the true heirs of the Communist Party of Finland, and who are just trying to steal the glorious history and high reputation of our Party for their own ulterior motives. Eternal shame to the revisionists!
In 1930, the Communist International made important statements when analyzing the reasons for SKP’s inability to fight against fascism:
“Despite the fact that the Finnish working class went through a brutal civil war in 1918, as a result of which there was a split in Finland’s old social democracy and the organization of the SKP, the Communist Party and the legal revolutionary movement connected with it still had strong social democratic roots. During the entire second phase of post-war capitalism, instead of systematically working to eradicate these social-democratic roots, SKP opportunistically adapted in its practical activities to the conditions of relative stabilization of capitalism and the corresponding legal forms of class rule of the bourgeoisie, often actually applying the tactical and organizational methods of social democracy condemned by the Comintern, and thus promoted the consolidation of social-democratic legacies in the revolutionary labor movement of Finland.”
Those who today justify their focus on legal forms of struggle by appealing to “democratic conditions” could not be in sharper contradiction with SKP’s path based on its own experience. Today we live the strategic offensive of world revolution, with a revolutionary situation of uneven development all over the world; the relative stabilization that followed the Second World War, which was based on the deepening and expansion of imperialist exploitation, is decreasing and class struggles are also intensifying in imperialist countries; and the commitment of the bourgeoisie to its own legality has been proven most recently in the adoption of the “conversion law”. Those who advocate a focus on legality are out of touch with reality.
Defending the Communist Party of Finland from revisionism requires a firm grip on Party work, fighting the revisionist manipulations. The Communist Party is the vanguard of the proletariat, its organized detachment based on democratic centralism, and “Before the outbreak of a war all organization and struggle are in preparation for the war” (Chairman Mao), which is also a leading idea in the Founding Statement of the Communist Party of China.
Every supporter of communism must strongly condemn revisionism and serve the reconstitution of the SKP.
Death to revisionism! Long live the Communist Party of Finland!
Eternal glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
Reconstitute the Communist Party of Finland!
Punalippu Editorial Board
August 29, 2024