New Repressive Police Operation against 1st of May in İzmir, Turkey
Feature image: Police during Partizan readers’ house raids in İzmir, Turkey. Source: Yeni Demokrasi
Today 1st of September, Yeni Demokrasi has reported on the detention of five Partizan readers and PSAKD Deputy Chairman of the Hasan Gülumin Association in İzmir after house raids carried out by the police during the morning hours. The allegations that the repressive forces used for this arrests are participating in the Parizan cortage on 1st of May, carrying a Partizan flag and using a vest with the silhouette of İbrahim Kaypakkaya.
Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association Headquarters has made an statement regarding the detention of Hasan-Gülüm-Chairman, demanding his release. Before they did the presentation of the press statement in 1st-May-District in Istanbul, the police blockaded all the street with detention vehicles and riot police. The statement read: “We recognize your cruelty, we see that you are trying to drag the country into a climate of fear. You, a handful of powerful people who feed tensions and increase rejection of us, know that you will not be able to get them to surrender with your pressure, lies and tricks. History has not written that Alevis swore allegiance to the palaces.”
Press statement read in District 1st May. Source: Yeni Demokrasi
Yeni Demokrasi also reports on updates regarding the previous ten detained Partizan readers. They were brought to the prosecutor’s office on duty after their statements to the police. After their statements at the prosecutor’s office, ten people who were referred to the court with a request for judicial control measures were given a “four-month travel ban”.