The Vietnamese Revisionists Join the Ranks of the World Reactionaries!
We hereby share an article we have found here.
Everyone who loves peace, and democracy, and stands on the side of the people understands that all ongoing anti-people wars in the world are waged by the imperialists, the international reactionaries, and their lackeys. Any person who loves peace, and democracy, and stand on the side of the progressive people of the world, must condemn their actions.
Why so? Because the international reactionaries, such as the Zionists, the Hindutva (the Fascists currently ruling India), their boss – U.S Imperialism, and Chinese Social-imperialism, are against long-lasting peace; are the ones destroying the livelihood of the people. In general, they are against the people. That is why the people in countries that are directly affected have stood up, standing right on the frontlines of the world revolution, the revolution that will wipe out the world reactionaries from the face of the Earth. The progressive people in other countries are the allies of those heroic people.
That fact has been proven by recent events. With educational – propagandist actions in support of the recent Day of Action for the Philippine revolution[1], along with the unwavering and growing support of the people of the world for the Palestinian people[2], who are facing a genocidal war against them, the people of the world have demonstrated great solidarity and a brave, resilient fighting spirit.
The Communists want to bring humanity to a new society with long-lasting peace, without exploitation, and must also stand on the side of the people of the world. With the invincible weapon, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the Communists must lead the most progressive omnipotence force – the people of the world, into waging the world revolution, sweeping the reactionaries from the surface of the Earth. That duty is very clearly understood by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist, and the Communist Party of Peru, who are currently leading the National-Democratic Revolution in their respective country. It corresponds to the duty of the Communists to be the vanguard. By doing that, they prove themselves to be worthy of the title “Communist Party”.
As a “Communist” Party, trained by Chairman Hồ himself, through 45 years of waging the National–Democratic Revolution, the “Communist” Party of Vietnam should also stay true to its name and its history.
On the contrary, the “Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, led by the “Communist” Party of Vietnam itself, is a trusted ally of the genocidal Zionists and anti-people Hindutva.
Recently, Namibia has blocked the cargo ship MV Kathrin carrying 8 containers of RDX and 60 containers of TNT, prohibiting them into Namibian ports. Those explosives are to be used in the genocidal war against the Palestinian people[3].
After investigations by Namibian police, which confirmed the presence of the previously-mentioned explosives, this ship has been prohibited from Namibian territorial water.
According to Minister of Justice Yvonne Dausab of Namibia, this decision corresponds with Namibia’s “obligation not to support or be complicit in Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, as well as its unlawful occupation of Palestine”.
Those explosives are produced by the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense’s Factory Z113 and loaded on the ship in Hai Phong, and not anywhere far from Vietnam. Factory Z113 even proudly brags about it on Facebook[4]! How can we be proud, when we are directly assisting a genocide?
In the last decade, Vietnam and Israel have increased military cooperation. That means Vietnam is also increasingly assisting the genocide Israel is doing, especially now, when the Zionists are pushing that genocide even further. In the document of the Propaganda-Education Committee of the Party, they even deny the revolutionary character of the Palestinian War of Resistance, calling it just the “Hamas – Israeli conflict”. Please read my previous article on this matter to have a deeper understanding.
If the Party doesn’t stand on the side of the people of the world, then it doesn’t deserve the title “Communist Party”. They are more the Revisionist Party of Vietnam. The government they rule directly assists the reactionaries in doing genocide. That proves that the Party and the Government itself are the biggest reactionaries in Vietnam.
They also express antagonism with their own “comrades” (this refers to the genuine Communists in struggle; for the Party declares itself Communist). Back in May, the electronic newspaper of the Gia Lai province Party Brance praised the Indian reactionaries for “killing many Maoists[5]”. They call guerilla soldiers “terrorists”. This is not the only case where this has happened. They have called the Palestinian, Indian, and Filipino freedom fighters “terrorists” many times. This demonstrated how antagonistic they are to the world revolution.
That MV Kathrin ship event deserves to be a national disgrace. Those who have eyes, look; those who have ears, listen. Use them, to determine who is the biggest reactionary. Who is antagonistic to the world revolution and directly supports the international reaction.
30 of August, 2024
Hồng Thủy Lưu
[1] Global Day of action: Support the Philippine revolution until liberation! – Reports – The Red Herald
[2] More Israeli and Yankee crimes. More solidarity of the peoples of the world – The Red Herald
[3] Namibia blocks ship over Israel war-crime concerns (bbc.com)
[4] Nhà máy Z113 – 𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒘 🔥TIÊN PHONG TẠO LỐI – KIẾN… | Facebook
[5] 12 phần tử Maoist bị tiêu diệt | Báo Gia Lai điện tử (baogialai.com.vn)