France: Suzanne, present!
We share an unofficial translation of the note publish on La Cause du Peuple.
With great sadness we knew of the death of our comrade Suzanne Le Manceau. Suzanne was one of the historical supporters for the liberation of Georges Abdallah.
In 2004 she participated in foundation of the Collective for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA), then in the launching of the Unitary Campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. In this context, she participated in the call of all the support demonstrations organized in the gates of Lannemezan prison, where she read Georges Abdallah’s declaration, until the 14th national demonstration, held last April.
Today we send our condolences to her comrades in combat, to the CLGIA activists, to her companion and to her family. We continue the combat. This October 7, French justice will rule on Georges Abdallah’s 10th request for conditional release: this October 7, Georges Abdallah must be free!
Suzanne, present!
We also share an unofficial translation of a statement we found:
For Suzanne
Friends and comrades, we with infinite sadness announce that our dear comrade Suzanne Le Manceau died this Saturday, September 14, at the age of 73.
Our pain is immense, as the contribution of Suz, our Suz, to the struggles we shared.
Suzanne had worked as a special education teacher. Whatever the difficulties of this work, she always spoke with kindness and humor of her relationships with these “different” children. She was unionized and opposed any degradation of working conditions in education. She had practiced Võ-Viêtnam and it was during a training course in this martial art that she met Bernard who became her companion, a partner who was also a comrade and who passed on to her the fruits of his militant experience.
Today we lose a comrade whose high militant qualities we will miss. Suz was both determined and rigorous in her political commitments, even in difficult moments of activism. She carried out with constancy and great responsibility the tasks which had been entrusted to her or which she had decided to voluntarily assign to herself. Until recently, despite the progression of her illness, she continued to act with the greatest conviction – but in opposition to any sectarianism – for the cause she defended.
We also loose a comrade, a friend, a companion always attentive to others, of great human richness, whose generosity, warmth and affectionate smile accompanied us so happily.
For some of us, we met Suz in the anti-fascist fights of Ras l’front and we lived with her this long struggle for the liberation of Direct Action activists within the Collectif Ne Laissons Pas Faire!
Present of course since the creation of the Collective for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA) twenty years ago then fully engaged within the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CUpLGIA), it is with unwavering determination that she made her exemplary contribution to the development of the mobilization to publicize the case of this Lebanese communist activist imprisoned in France, to mobilize more and more people in the struggle for his release, to gradually rally the men and women engaged in supporting the Palestinian resistance so that they take up the cause of Georges Abdallah with a spirit of solidarity and internationalism.
Suz, dear Suz, we will continue your struggle for justice and freedom and, following your example, we will not give up!
We will soon organize a meeting in a suitable location in tribute to our deceased comrade.
Paris, September 14, 2024.
The Collective for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA)
The Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CUpLGIA)