The Chilean State again tries to Repress “Toma 17 de Mayo”
Featured image: Gloria, comrade of Toma 17 de Mayo, speaking with Periódico el Pueblo. Source: Periódico el Pueblo.
On 17th of September it was reported about an update in the judicial case against one of the comrades of Toma 17 de Mayo. This comrade is accused of supposedly “reiterate falsification” for using her struggle name in the meetings that Toma 17 de Mayo had with Serviu (the Ministry of Housing and Urbanization). Under this false accusation, they try to condemn the comrade of Toma 17 de Mayo with 3 to 10 years in prison.
It went public last Friday that the court is not qualified for what she is accused of, after the lawyer of Popular Defense demanded to change it. Next hearing will be on 23rd of October.
A new demonstration with hundreds of people of different communities and encampments from the seizure San Antonio-Cartagena was reported. They traveled to Valparaiso, where the Congress is, to demonstrate against an eviction order against thousands of families in their communities. This 5th of October marks the deadline in favor of the expel order that benefits the real estate profit.