Mexico: Weekly Newsletter

We publish an unofficial translation of the part on Mexico of the last Weekly Newsletter published by Sol Rojo.

As it has been denounced by several media, the war situation against the people throughout the country continues increasing, particularly in the State of Chiapas, where the federal government today headed by Claudia Sheinbaum began its six-year term on October 1 with the massacre of 6 migrant workers leaving at least 10 others injured, including the attacks against the Zapatista town “6 de Octubre” Caracol de Jerusalem, and more recently with the cowardly murder of the priest Marcelo Pérez Pérez that occurred this October 20 in San Cristóbal de las Casas.

In this regard, various pronouncements have been issued, demanding justice and an immediate solution to the serious escalation of reactionary violence experienced in the entity in the hands of the armed forces, criminal and paramilitary groups that all act under the orders of the old big landlord-bureaucratic State. According to Desinformémonos, international human rights organizations such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the UN Agency for Refugees in Mexico (UNHCR), the Office in Mexico del Alto UN Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) and Amnesty International have condemned the murder of the priest.

The same diverse progressive personalities and democratic organizations from all over the country issued issued a statement this day in which they denounce “The murder of the priest Marcelo Pérez Pérez, priest of the Church of Guadalupe in San Cristóbal de las Casas, by the hands of armed individuals in the middle of daylight, does not only represent a tragedy for the communities he supported, but is also a reflection of the serious state of ungovernability that is lived in Chiapas and all of Mexico. This crime, framed in a context of increasing violence, territorial disputes, dispossession of territories through extractivist projects of transnational capital, and the presence of armed groups, shows the failure of the federal government and its so-called project ‘Fourth Transformation’”.

As the EZLN denounced at the time, Chiapas is on the brink of a civil war; and while the old State allows the reaction to take the reins of the political scene in the entity, the trend indicates that the people will have to organize themselves to give an exemplary response to stop the hand of reactionaries of all stripes, who are nothing other than paper tigers. For now, a solidarity march is called in the Mexico City for next Thursday, October 24, and without a doubt there will be other actions in the rest of the country. Stop the harassment and crimes against migrant workers! Justice for the father Marcelo Perez! Stop the war against the EZLN and the Zapatist support bases! Stop the war against the people and state terrorism! Down with the militarization of the country!

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