Statement by Georges Abdallah – October 26, 2024

We publish an unofficial translation of the statement by Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and shared by La Cause du Peuple.

Dear comrades, Dear friends,

Years, very long years, behind the abominable walls and it is always the same determination and the same enthusiasm echoing your solidarity mobilization…

Knowing that you are gathered today, here, facing these barbed wire fences and watchtowers, a few meters from my cell, fills me with strength and warms my heart. However Comrades, Friends, how sad to note that for the first time in so many years, it is not our tireless Suzanne who is reading this short declaration. Our dearest Suzanne passed away, as you know, a few weeks ago. Certainly she remains alive, forever in our hearts and our memory like a life-giving flame, especially in such circumstance.

Dear comrades, Dear friends,

Your solidarity mobilization leaves no one here indifferent, you see the atmosphere in these sinister places, this whole prison atmosphere, changes when the echo of active life hits the nameless platitude of a deadly prison daily life… So do the fellow social-prisoners discover as if by enchantment, if only for a little moment, the beauty and power of fundamentally disinterested human relationships, solidarity despite so many years behind bars… surviving in cultural and emotional misery, without real relationships with society for many years for some, this awakening of enthusiasm and humanity is not unnoticed; you can read it in the eyes and you can see it in these spontaneous comments, often sincere but unfortunately short-timed.

Comrades and friends, the echo of your slogans, your songs and everything else, goes beyond these barbed wire fences and watchtowers, it resonates in our heads and transports us far from these sinister places.

Dear comrades, Dear friends,

At the dawn of this forty-first year of captivity, finding you here, in the diversity of your commitment, provides a scathing refutation to all those who were banking on the loss of momentum of your solidarity. It highlights that the change in the balance of power in favor of the incarcerated revolutionary protagonists is always a function of the solidarity mobilization assumed on the terrain of the anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist struggle.

Thus we can say without the slightest hesitation that the most significant support that we can provide to our embattled comrades is immediately part of real commitment to the ongoing struggle. It is only by assuming solidarity on this ground that the retention of our comrades in prison begins to weigh more heavily than the possible threats inherent to their release.

Comrades and friends, in this time of global crisis of globalized capitalism and the sharpening of all its contradictions, this time of war, of large-scale massacre, of repression, of fascisation, of propaganda and manipulation, of great struggles and mobilization and above all this exciting burst of active youth against a backdrop of barbarism inherent to moribund capitalism…. for the first time in human history, millions of people are witnessing a genocide in progress. For more than 380 days, the genocidaires have continued to rage in Gaza and the West Bank and now they are expanding their field of war in Lebanon with the active support of the main imperialist powers of the West. However, thanks to the heroic resistance of the Palestinian popular masses and their combatant vanguards, and above all also thanks to the massive solidarity mobilization almost everywhere in the world, Palestine is resisting and reoccupying, more than ever, its place at the forefront of the international scene.

This being said, Dear comrades, Dear friends, perhaps it would be useful to recall that active international solidarity proves to be an indispensable weapon in the struggle against the colonization of settlements still ongoing in Palestine and the genocidal war which is intimately inherent to it. It is always based on this active solidarity that we can participate in the changes in the balance of power here, in the belly of the imperialist beast and elsewhere in the process of construction of the “Historical Bloc”, the global framework and potential subject of the Palestinian national liberation movement.

Dear comrades, Dear friends,

Certainly, it is urgent to do everything possible to counter and stop the Zionist barbarism underway in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. The fact remains that despite this large-scale genocidal aggression against Gaza these days, where in addition to tens and tens of thousands of martyrs and wounded, is added the terrible widespread destruction of the entire habitable space Gaza, the resistance remains unshakeable, protected and dubbed by the popular Palestinian masses.

Gaza will never fly the white flag of capitulation. Neither the Zionists nor any other criminal force will ever succeed in breaking the will of the resistance in Gaza.

Shame on all those who, faced with genocidal Zionist barbarism, call to look elsewhere!

May a thousand initiatives flourish in favor of Palestine and its glorious resistance!

Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their expressions!

Together and only together will we win!

Palestine will live and Palestine will win!

To all of you comrades and friends my warm revolutionary salutes.

Your comrade Georges Abdallah

Saturday, October 26, 2024

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