Actions to spread revolutionary propaganda in Brazil

We publish a recompilation of actions that the Support Committees of A Nova Democracia have done. These actions are essential to make the revolutionary propaganda arrive to the people and the message being transmitted.

Film and debate in Federal District

The Support Committee of A Nova Demcoracia begins in Brazilia a series of films and debates. Each week there will be a film session and afterwards a debate on it, with the purpose of “diffuse the culture at the service of the people and the mass struggle all over the world” as the Committee itself reports.

On November 6 the first session was made together with the Solidarity Committee with Palestine – DF (CSP – DF) and the film Children of Gaza (2010) from Jezza Neumann was played. In the event, mainly grade and post-grade students, several professors and people from Parties and social movements participated.

After the film, there was a debate on the Zionist occupation in Palestine and Chairman Mao Tse-tung works, among others, were quoted during the debate on the ways of anti-colonial liberation for the oppressed peoples.

Film and debate in Curitiba

On November 13 at 19:00h in Anfiteatro 500 do Prédio Dom Pedro I – Rectory of UFPR, there will be a film screen and debate on the 40 years of the film Cabra Marcado Para Morrer, directed by Eduardo Coutinho.

This film tells the history of the Peasant Leagues and the big landlords violence in Brazil. This film suffered a lot of repression during the 1964 military dictatorship, because the film was confiscated by the reactionary forces and who participated in the film and the peasant leaders themselves were persecuted. Only 17 years later, Coutinho could finish the film after the great popular resistance.

The debate that follows the film will seek to make a deep discussion in a moment were the struggle in the countryside and the of the peasant resistance increased. The film also allows to overview the history of the Peasant Leagues, the big landlords violence, the people’s struggle for land and the true class character of the Brazilian State and its bourgeois big landlord democracy.

Sell brigades in UFAM and Southern Pará

The Support Committees to A Nova Democracia have done different sell brigades.

On October 31 there was a sell brigade in the Federal University of Amazonas, were they could speak with students, professors and peasant who were doing a fair in the university, when peasant set up tables to sell their products to students. The activists were well-welcomed and peasants were interested in the newspaper. Students were also interested and several already knew it.

During two days, activist of the Support Committee of AND made sell brigades in Southern Pará on the edition 257 (Latifundium in armed offensive against the poorest of the countryside). The brigadists went to the peasant fair, were they could debate with the sellers on the reactionary violence in the countryside or the electoral farce and the struggle of the people’s masses in the countryside and the city. Peasants were friendly with the brigadists and there were donations and debates.

There was a second sell brigade at a bus station, where lots of people usually gather. Newspapers were sold and debates were made with the workers, which reinforce the just line of the editorial.

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