Germany: On the spectacle in the corral of pigs, the upcoming elections and the proletarian revolutionary stand

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article published by Dem Volke Dienen.

Bourgeois politics sometimes is quite amazing. As Marxists we do analyses based on strategic thinking, we see the class-interests at stake and draw our conclusions on what needs to be done based on our understanding of the objective necessity. The interests of the class we strive to serve, the proletariat, as a whole is our permanent guide. The imperialist bourgeoisie does not function the same way, it is a class characterized by competition between different monopolistic groups, by the in-fight between different, contradictory, interests of finance capitalistic robber bands. The proletariat is collectivist. The bourgeoisie is individualistic. The only time the bourgeoisie can unite is when its existence as a class is at stake, faced with the proletarian led revolution, and even then their unity is temporary, fragile and just a short cease fire in the its internal strife. Hence, they are acting for us many times seems incredibly stupid. A master piece to illustrate this point is the spectacle going on in the corral of pigs in Berlin.

In a political moment in which a change at the helm of the US government is taking place, that even if it does not alter the strategic orientation of US imperialism will imply some important policy changes that will have a notable effect in world politics; when Russian imperialism steadily is gaining ground in Ukraine; when the main brother-in-crime in the EU, French imperialism, is in a complicated and difficult internal political crisis. And most importantly in the midst of an accelerating domestic economical crisis and a deepening of the crisis of bourgeois democracy. Then the current political leadership of the German State decides not to unite to fulfill its strategic plans, but instead display the most vulgar contest of petty electoral interest.

There are fundamental economic interest that constitutes the base for the conflict between the SPD and the FDP. The four points put forward by Scholz – cheap energy for the Industry, “a package” for the automobile industry, promoting investment and lower taxes for the rich, and much more resources for the Zelensky-regime – by which “internal, external, and social security” should not be “put up against each other” because that “… endangers our cohesion. In the end, it even threatens our democracy”, could only be realized by the State taking up new loans. This is the desired program and the desired solution by the main bulk of the finance capitalistic groups. As an media-outlet put it:

Economic experts largely agree: Debt rules are fundamentally good for preventing the state from jeopardizing finances with excessively high credit-financed expenditures and overburdening future generations. However, the German debt brake is considered unnecessarily rigid. Calls for a relaxation of these rules are not only coming from leftist economists or outsiders. Concrete proposals have also been made by the Bundesbank, the Council of Economic Experts (the ‘Five Wise Men’), and chief economists from banks.

Some bosses, like the chief economist of Hamburg Commercial Bank, Cyrus de la Rubia, are even more explicit, and make statements like that they are: “confident that a new government—regardless of its form—will take up the recommendations of the economy to implement a true economic turnaround, which includes a massive expansion of public investments.’ This implies either a reform of the debt brake, its justified suspension, or a new special fund.” (our emphasis)

Scholz’ “minimal program” which implies a reinforced development of State Capitalism (Keynes-Style), corresponds full with the strategic necessities of German imperialism as a whole. The position of Lindner (and what is left of his Party) represent the interests of those, smaller, finance-capitalistic groups which are less internationalized and more center on increasing the level of exploitation of the working-class domestically (as exemplified by the Association of Family Entrepreneurs).

So, a real materialist economical base exists for the dispute between the SPD and the FDP. But since Lindner is very well aware about that he represent a minority grouping of the bourgeoisie, he also knew that he would not be able to impose his position. Lindners political error was that he trusted the leader of the pack. But Scholz is not a wolf, he is a hyena. Believing that Scholz would let him get away with publishing his position paper and making empty threats, in an effort to show his supporters, after the recent resounding electoral defeats of the FDP in the elections to the “European Parliament” and three eastern Federal States, that he still was an important player, he fell into the trap. The Master of Deceit, the trickster of the tricksters, Scholz, as the full-blood Gangster that he is, suddenly threw away all talk about “compromise” and “finding common solutions for the best for Germany”, informed the astonished Minister of Finance that he was fired and publicly, in an in-advance prepared speech (as Klingbeil confirmed in a talk-show) declared Lindner to be an unreliable and unfaithful egomaniac. The wannabe playboy almost wept when he shortly afterwards faced the press. The man without principles showed who’s the Boss of Bosses.

The plan of Scholz seems quite cunning. All experts in the matter and all opinion polls indicates that the Christian Democrats with big margin will become the strongest Party in the next Federal Elections. Only a mayor unforeseen event can prevent that Mertz becomes the next German Chancellor. The general political line of the upcoming government is already formulated, as expressed by the Editor in Charge of Foreign Policy of the FAZ, the mouthpiece of Finance Capital:

“Germany shall become active again within the EU, but therefore it must become strong again, politically, economically and foremost militarily. Putin and Trump will no longer grant our country and Europe a moment’s respite.” (our emphasis)

In such an context the SPD must seek to gain the best conditions to become a relatively strong “junior partner” in a new Great Coalition with theCDU/CSU as the top dog. The “Party strategists” of the Ebert and Noske-Party knows very well that the current economical crisis will demand “a massive expansion of public investments”, which the bourgeoisie already are claiming for, and that such a program will complacent the demands of broad sections of the working-class who are afraid of losing their jobs or salary-cuts. If the SPD can make a electoral campaign in which it can portray itself as the champion of the defense of German industry and the saviors of hundred of thousands of jobs, then the tendency of stronger electoral support for the Social-democrats, which can already be observed in the polls, will be massively reinforced. So, the SPD can get more than 20% of the votes, form a “stable coalition” with a clear parliamentary majority by the Christian-democrats, Scholz becomes Minister of Finance again and the heroic Pistorius can keep the watch on the dominions in Ostland. Not bad, if it works out, for the most hated Chancellor in the history of the FRG.

This maneuver also serves to win back workers votes from the AfD – the SPD have already taken over fundamental points of the AfD program: the “Security-Package”, border controls, deportations to Afghanistan (illegal!) and much more, raising the modern McCarthyism to a new level with the adoption in the Bundestag of the “Resolution against Anti-antisemitism” – and to neutralize the efforts of the BSW to become the new bourgeois workers Party, by portraying the SPD as the true defender of the laboring people.

And the dishonored Lindner? After the 2025 Federal Elections he can rent a beach-house on Sylt, snort cocaine and hangout with girls of pleasure – or whatever bourgeois brats do when the get unemployed.

The third actor in the governmental drama, the Green Party, have chosen to play the role of an extra. In the whole affair they have only consequently defended one political position, the jingoistic war-mongering. Habeck actually seems to believe that his best chance of electoral success is to act like the most aggressive opponent to Germany’s Russian rival. More sober thinking people believes that the only way out from a electoral catastrophe for the Green Party is that mayor environmental disaster occurs and, in such a situation, that it is capable of “going back to its roots”. “Fridays for Future” was extremely instrumental for the success in the past elections, the Greens needs a similar wave of support by “useful idiots”.

That about the ongoing spectacle in the corral of pigs.

The most important question doe is how the proletarian revolutionary forces shall related to the upcoming elections. The answer is relative easy to find. The proletariat must fight the bourgeoisie, it must oppose and do everything it can to defeat the enemies plans. The proletariat must fight for the opposite of what the bourgeoisie does. The need of the bourgeoisie is domestic stability, more development of State Capitalism, boosting the Armed Forces and to have a firmer grip of the EU. Hence, the proletariat must fight the stability, raise the slogan “Combat and Resist”, boycott the elections and generate more disorder. The proletariat must raise the demand that the capitalist should pay for the crisis, fight the labor lieutenants in the Unions and promote legal and illegal strikes, most importantly the second type. The proletariat must fight the war-mongering, raise high the banner of proletarian internationalism and strive to develop the militant anti-war movement. The proletariat must fight the EU, fully support the struggle of the oppressed peoples inside and outside it and develop the closest possible unity with our class-siblings in the other countries of the EU and the world.

Anyone who in the current situation try to led the struggle of the proletariat into legal forms, anyone who try to lead the proletariat to participate as a loyal sheep-herd in the electoral process, anyone who promotes legalism and economism, is a traitor to the proletarian cause. Of course the revisionist MLPD does exactly that.

It seems that the MLPD have read What is to be done very well and then decided that they shall do exactly the opposite to what Lenin teaches. Economism and bourgeois politics, that is the line of this jovial social-democratic club of over-aged bad musicians.

Even if these characters have been able to come to the understanding that “The open political world crisis and the open political crisis in Germany have reached their preliminary peak. In Germany, the traffic light coalition government has collapsed. This is an open government crisis” and “85 percent of the surveyed Germans rightly disagree with the traffic light coalition fundamentally. They no longer want to be governed this way”, their political conclusion is: do Union work and go voting!

The following call of the MLPD illustrates our point quite well:

Sign for the electoral approval of the MLPD

The traffic light coalition has run out of ideas. The policies of the Union and AfD are even more hostile to workers. Now is the time for revolutionary workers’ politics. Sign for the electoral approval of the Internationalist List/MLPD!” (our emphasis)

And the followers of the notorious fan of the counterrevolutionary Rondas, do not hesitate to brag about that they are an first-class electoral firm:

“The MLPD has long begun preparing for the election campaign and is ready to campaign right from the start. The Internationalist List/MLPD will run in all 16 federal States and with many direct candidates. It is well-equipped in terms of content, personnel, and finances.”

No comment necessary.

No one should have any illusions about this bunch.

Another, much more well-known, bunch of opportunists is the Left “Party”. After the Wagenknecht split, there is not much of a “Party” left. Lead by a former Greenpeace Campaign Manager and a Journalist who have only been a Party Member for one year, the Left seems to be transforming more and more into a “left-populist” movement. Only if they manage to mobilize activist from the “post-autonomous” movement in decomposition and other “radical” forces in effective campaigning and create the image of a radical and vibrant antifascist movement, they may have a chance of holding their seats in the corral of pigs. Accordingly, the best any honest antifascist can do, is to refuse to have anything to do with the Left Party, anyone knows that once in government the are just the same as the rest of the pigs (if not, learn about Thuringen, Berlin and Bremen).

The bourgeoisie have started the electoral campaign. The proletariat should start the boycott campaign. The order of the day is: Combat and Resist! Boycott the Elections!

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