“Struggle Is Not a Crime!” Persecution of the Struggle for Housing in Brazil is Denounced
On December 5, different organizations of the housing movement made a public hearing against criminalization of the housing movement in the Distrito Federal, Brazil. Within the public hearing, the People’s Resistance Movement (MRP), Struggle Movement in Neighborhoods, Villages and Favelas (MLB), Base Collective Honestino Guimarães (CB-HG) and People’s Liberation Group (GLP), and two deputies, were present.
The main debate focused on the persecution of 11 activist and former activist of the MRP, who recently were condemned without evidences. But also other cases such as Zezé, activist from Workers Without Ceiling Movement, who was condemned in an “irregular and based on testimonies without proves” case. The movement for housing suffers persecutions under all kind of accusations, from “environmental crime to criminal organization” as was denounced in the event.
“Death to Latifundium! Long live the Agrarian Revolution!” Banner from CB-HG. Source: AND
During the event, the latifundium was once again denounced with a banner and chants. After the event, organizations and activists marched to the Supreme Justice Court to denounce the persecutions to MRP and they shouted chats as “Land to the tiller, now and always, long live the Agrarian Revolution”, “Our bands is raised, long live Terra Prometida camp” and “Close MRP process. Struggle is not a crime, the people will win”. The Solidarity Committee with MPR to the defense of persecuted militants and the end of criminalization of the struggle for land was created.
On November 21 the creation of an “anti-terrorist” division of the Civil Police of Distrito Federal was approved which will persecute social movements. As the bourgeois politicians state, the division will act in the “prevention” and “combat” of “radical demonstrations” that “threatens the security of the federal capital”. Additionally, a law project demanding the legal registration of the social movements was approved on November 13.
The full Public Hearing can be seen here: