Criminalization against indigenous peasant in Brazil

A Nova Democracia (AND) has recently reported on new repressive cases on indigenous peasants. One of the cases is against the Avá-Guarani indigenous peasants in western Paraná. The Federal Court of Foz do Iguaçu has forbidden any occupation or action by the Avá-Guarani people in the National Park of Iguaçu. The Federal Public Ministry has recommended to carry out such action because there is a “supposed imminent risk of invasion by the indigenous”. The intelligence services of the Federal Police alerted about that. If the peasants take over any land they will be fined on daily basis with thousand Reais.

The Avá-Guarani indigenous of Tekoha Guasu Ocoy-Jacutinga stated that this measure is an “attack which represents a violence against the Avá-Guarani people”. They also denounce the treatment by courts on the indigenous during the colonial period, as well as they say they are “victims of a preventive war”. The lands grabbed for the National Park of Iguaçu as well as by the Hydroelectric Plant of Itaipu are original lands of the Avá-Guarani indigenous people.

We have reported in many occasions on the struggle undertaken by the Avá-Guarani and the repression they faced:

Additionally AND reports that the Public Ministry of the state of Amazonas has started a new investigation against a indigenous peasant occupation in Manaus. The indigenous Kokama has carried out an occupation in a suburb of the western area of Manaus. The Kokama indigenous occupied a piece of land in the neighborhood of Tarumã Açu. This area is well-known because the big landlords are grabbing the lands there. AND states that the “criminal investigation, done on behalf of the Public Ministry against the indigenous occupation in the region, shows the influence of the land grabbers in the region.

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