107 years of the Proletarian Revolution in Finland

Featured image: demonstration carried out by anti-imperialist activists in Helsinki.

On the 27th of January 1918 the Proletarian Revolution erupted in Finland and for months the proletariat combated against the reaction. Every year the revolutionary activists in Finland commemorate the date and carry out actions. We reported on the actions done last year:

The Editorial Board of Punalippu has published a statement on occasion of this anniversary, denounced Finnish imperialism and pointed out the necessity of developing the anti-imperialist struggle and building the anti-imperialist front:

A call was made for a demonstration in Helsinki on January 25:

The demonstration called for was a success. It began with a speech by Anti-Imperialists Helsinki. The armed struggle as a way of changing the status quo in 1918 and today, and the example of the Palestinian resistance was highlighted. During the demonstration red and Palestinian flags were raised and attracted the attention and sympathy from the masses, who welcomed the information spread via leaflets. The police attempted to stop and suppress the demonstration, but the demonstrators did not retreat and the police was forced to accept the continuation of the demonstration.

At the end of the demonstration speeches by the Anti-Imperialist Collective (Tampere), the Editorial Board of Punalippu and the Communist Workers’ Party were read.

We recommend to our readers to follow the Instagram accounts of Anti-Imperialists Helsinki and Anti-Imperialist Collective from Tampere to see other actions, events and work developed by the activists in Finland:



The source for all the pictures is the website Punalippu.

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