Agitations against the censorship of AND in several parts of Brazil
Since the channel A Nova Democracia (AND) was censored by Youtube due to its democratic and people’s content on January 15, the actions against its censorship have continued in Brazil.
Activists from the Mangue Vermelho Collective (MV) and the AND Support Committee formed a large brigade in support of the newspaper in downtown Recife on January 20. During the action, in which copies of the newspaper were sold, it was denounced that the censorship of the newspaper is due to revolutionary journalistic coverage of popular struggles, including the Heroic Palestinian Resistance.
During the brigade, different workers positioned themselves in favor of the newspaper. For example, one explained that he was being prosecuted by the Globo-G1 press monopoly for his comments in support of Hamas and the Palestinian people’s resistance actions.

Recife. Source: AND
On January 25, the AND Support Committee together with the Democratic Study Group Aurora distributed leaflets in the town of João Pessoa, in Paraíba, denouncing the closure of the channel. 500 leaflets were distributed exposing the censorship of the newspaper, which has been working for more than 15 years. The leaflets were very well received, some people asked for more information and there were even people who asked for more so that they could also distribute them among their friends.

João Pesso, Paraíba. Source: AND
More groups have joined the support campaign of the newspaper A Nova Democracia, which from day one have both national and international support.
The Cearense Front for the Support of the Palestinian Resistance published the complaint on its social networks. It states: “It is clear that YouTube’s action is not about combating ‘violent speech’, but another typical case of censorship imposed by the big imperialist technology monopolies against any manifestation of opposition to the crimes of the Zionist state of ‘Israel’ and supporting the anti-imperialist struggle.”
The Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Minas Gerais (MG) wrote: “AND is the press that with courage and the audacity of those who are on the side of the working people, has revealed information as it occurs, about the resistance and genocide of the Palestinian people. Precisely for this reason, it has been an important source for all the people who have been taken up in the struggle in solidarity with the Palestinian people. And, exactly for this reason, the platform has suffered this violence.”
The Student Center of Pedagogy of the University of São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto (CEPed) also posted on social networks against the censorship of the platform “Ceped repudiates this censorship and reinforces its support to the newspaper A Nova Democracia, which remains firm in its struggle for the recovery of its publications and for the continuity of its work for the people and the truth. In defense of the popular press”