Mobilization and statement against the dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra
The French State tries to repress the organizations which support the Palestinian Resistance. One of them is Collectif Palestine Vaincra which is amid a dissolution process forced by the French State. After the State Council meeting on Monday 27th of January, the final decision will be held in two or three weeks.
On Saturday, 1st of February, a march was done in Toulouse in which hundreds of people took the streets:
The National Bureau of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and Jeunes Revolutionnaires has published a statement that we unofficially translate:
The State seeks the dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra!
Let’s confront the repression!
On January 27, the judges of the State Council, the highest administrative jurisdiction of the French bourgeois State, examined the appeal made by Collectif Palestine Vaincra against its dissolution. Indeed, the French government has ruled several dissolutions against political and pro-Palestinian organizations, such as Palestine Vaincra or the Palestine Action Committee a few years ago.
After the suspension appeal and the rejection of some dissolution procedures, which slapped the bourgeois State, it continues with its reactionary attack against all people and organizations who defend the right ofresistance of Palestine and those who reject imperialism.
We say that the State needs to struggle against the revolutionary movement to prolong its agony in power; and to do so it intimidates and isolates the revolutionaries. Its strategy is to start to bother the organizations for small reasons, such as tweets, to make jurisprudence and then to be able to attack the organizations which conduct offensive actions, especially those engaged within the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah as the spearhead of the national support to the Palestinian national resistance.
We denounce the attack against Palestine Vaincra Collective and we address them all our support.
We call to develop a unitary front against repression, among different organizations, to be able to refuse the isolation that the reactionary State seeks to implement.
Whatever happens, we will continue our combative actions in support of the glorious resistance of the Palestinian people.
Unity is our arm in face of repression!
Support Collectif Palestine Vaincra!
Let’s free Georges Abdallah! Palestine will win!