Massacre in Amhara by the Ethiopian State
Featured image: stacked bodies, result of the massacre committed by the Ethiopian troops. Source: Borkena
Recently has been reported a huge massacre that the Ethiopian Armed Forces have committed, in which dozens of Amhara civilians have been killed, specifically in the town of Merawi City. We have previously reported on the massacres and other crimes committed by the Ethiopian State against the people.
The figures are not yet clear, but they are sources reporting on 50 people killed, on 80 people killed, and even reporting that the figure could be more than 250 people killed. An authentic butchery that the Ethiopian State has committed, in retaliation for the resistance offered by the regional militias, which had fought during the previous days against the advance of state troops.
The sources point out that these local militias have grown in number in the area, frequently interrupting the communications and transport of goods. Additionally, students have made strikes and the State is also pressing them in order to finish their protest. After this escalation of the protest, on Monday 29th of January the armed clashes erupted in the town of Merawi City, when members of the Fano militias exchanged shots against militiamen of the State and anti-riot forces. Soon the troops of the State intervened and entered in blood and fire. According to local sources, only the first day of combat there were already at least 20 young people extra-judicially executed by the Ethiopian repressive forces.
After the retreat of the Fano militias and the entrance of the state troops, several inhabitants of the town stated the same: the state troops imposed terror over the people, and entered house by house arresting and killing civilians. Have been seen several places full of dead bodies of local residents. At the same time, numerous locals stated that the civilians murdered had nothing to do with the resistance of the Fano militias.
While the Ethiopian ruling classes and their political representatives have their hands completely bathed in blood, the United Nations under the command of the imperialists, decide to reward the maximum leader of the Ethiopian State, Abiy Ahmed, with a medal linked to the agricultural sector and solutions to the food crises. This hypocrisy of the imperialists again shows that the local ruling classes are not the only accountable of the horrendous crimes committed against the Ethiopian people, but also their imperialist masters, the bureaucratic capitalism and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal subjugation suffered by the country.