Solidarity actions in Chile and abroad

Featured image: rally for the housing struggle in Chile. Source: Servir ao Povo

The housing struggle in Chile, where the situation is every time less sustainable for the people, continues.

The newspaper el Pueblo has reported on a demonstration that gathered more than 3,000 residents of Lo Hermida, in Santiago de Chile. The demonstration blocked one of the large avenues, the Vespuccio, to denounce the housing crisis among the population.

Servir ao Povo has reported on new actions throughout all Brazil. Photos of a rally in front of the Chilean embassy in São Paulo are also included.

Rally in front of the Chilean embassy. Source: Servir ao Povo

Rally in front of the Chilean embassy. Source: Servir ao Povo

Graffito in São Paulo. Source: Servir ao Povo

They have also done graffiti in Curitiba.

Graffito in Curitiba. Source: Servir ao Povo

In Copenhaguen, Denmark, the Anti-imperialist Collective did a rally in front of the Chilean embassy to show solidarity with the ‘Toma 17 de Mayo’. Leaflets were distributed and the passers-by showed their support.

Rally in Copenhague. Source: Roede Fane

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