Philippines: Month of Solidarity with the Indian people’s resistance against Operation Kagaar

We publish a call of CPPh that we received per email.

Month of Solidarity with the Indian people’s resistance against Operation Kagaar

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines recently declared June 20- July 20 as a Month of Solidarity for the Indian people’s struggle, particularly the Adivasi masses’ fight against Operation Kagaar. In line with this, the PRWC is dedicating a page to compile all related articles, statements and documents on the struggle of the Indian people.

The pronouncement is a response to the call made by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and its international support group the International Committee to Support the People’s War in India (ICSPWI), for a campaign to oppose Operation Kagaar and support for the Adivasi people’s resistance, and the advancement of the people’s war in India as the primary means to thwart the regime’s suppression campaign.

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