Far-right chauvinist terrorism feeds back into England
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article published by A Nova Democracia.
The streets of England are taken since days ago by groups which, with national flags, are attacking the police forces, torching buildings and setting up barricades on the streets. This might look like a wave of people’s demonstrations against the reactionary measures of the Rishi Sunak government, or against another crime of British imperialism. But no. The actions are carried out by far-right gangs which, by appropriating the methods of people’s struggle, promoting maximum chauvinism and anti-Arabism in the European country, encouraged by a lie fomented by themselves.
It all started on July 29, with a knife attack at a dance studio in northwest England. The attacker killed three children and injured several others. After some hours, an Arabic name began circulating among far-right groups. It was a fake name, created to incriminate the country’s immigrant masses.
What followed was the wave of attacks, which began on July 31. The actions of reactionary gangs have already been recorded in Hull, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool and Belfast. On August 4, one of the gangs attacked a refugee shelter in the city of Rotherham. The mob entered the building through the broken windows and attempted to torch part of the building. Another similar attack targeted another hotel which was a shelter for immigrants in Tamsworth. This week, new actions were registered.
The masses have already started to respond. On August 8, thousands of people took the streets to reject the far-right gangs. The most raised slogan at the demonstration was “We are much more than them.”

Rejection is important. The far-right groups are using something that they produce themselves for their chauvinist and anti-Arab offensive. On of the most important attendants to the protests is Tommy Robinson, an anti-Muslim activist who contributed to spread the lie about the attack was perpetrated by a Muslim. He took advantage to instigate the protests with the thesis that people were angry because organizations like Hamas and the Islamic State (which do not work together and are radically different) had plans to seize London.
In fact attacks like the one recorded (which was not a mass political attack by its hate against imperialism, but was a knife attack with no clear political reason) are product of the current situation itself.
The increasing misery and exploitation, the social crisis which specially affects youth with the erosion of social ties and the ideological crisis of society favors the grow of backward ideologies (such as absolute individualism, acute nihilism, existentialism) propagated massively through the social media by media monopolies, and obviously by reactionary political groups. The consequence of that is absolute hate against humanity.

Chauvinist terrorism promoted by gangs of criminals is a feedback movement: infected cells of a sick organism that can only make the body even more ill.
The people’s current that takes the streets, on the other hand, specially its more revolutionary aspects which propose a radical transformation of society, are a powerful antidote to this illness.