Nuevo Peru: The historical truth about the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
We hereby share an article published by Nuevo Peru.
The reactionary press, historians and bourgeois political scientists present the news in the newspapers regarding the launching of the atomic bombs by the Yankee imperialists on the two Japanese cities in August 1945:
“It is 79 years since the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an attack that left nearly 75 thousand people dead.
The bombing of Nagasaki on August 6, together with that of Hiroshima on August 9, played a crucial role in Japan’s decision to surrender during World War II.”
We say:
The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, is intended to be presented and justified as the decisive event to end World War II on the Eastern Front. That is why it is necessary to clarify the historical truth and reaffirm the great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist truth that neither imperialism nor the atomic bomb will put an end to humanity, that humanity will put an end to imperialism and the atomic bomb!
Chairman Gonzalo says:
World War II is a momentous event in world history. It strictly began in 1939 and ended in 1945.
A world war in which on the one hand there is imperialist plunder, the dispute for world hegemony that Germany under Hitler claimed for itself; but on the other hand it is the defense of socialism and development of the revolution. Yes, it is quite clear and correct that the war waged then by the USSR was a Great Patriotic War, it was a just war of defense, as it was correctly defined; and of development of the world revolution because in addition to that glorious heroic defense that cost the USSR 20 million men, we have an anti-imperialist struggle that will develop in oppressed nations, mainly in China.
And why do we say mainly in China? It is good to remember that 60% of the Japanese army was retained in China for a long time; That is why we do not agree when one simply speaks of the Western Front, the Eastern Front, but taking everything as what was fought in Europe, and seeing the problem of the East as a great front of struggle and a great revolutionary front, it is wrong, in our opinion, when one tries to reduce it to the action of the Western imperialists and mainly of the United States, that has not been the case.
It is the great war of resistance of oppressed nations, such as China, Korea, Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc., where precisely the imperialists fled like rats and it was the peoples of those nations who took up arms; those who were lucky enough to have a Communist Party triumphed and advanced and those who were not, at least in a transactional way were freed from being colonies, for example Indonesia which ceased to be, as a consequence of that war, a colony of Holland.
On May 8, Germany surrendered and the ceasefire went into effect early on May 9, 1945, which is why May 9 is celebrated as Victory Day.
The other great front, in the east, is centered in China, where the Japanese army was bogged down in a sea of masses, mined and undermined by guerrilla warfare; various oppressed nations took up arms against them; The Westerners “supported” and then returned. It is good to remember MacArthur, the best cadet that West Point has ever had, that is, the military school of the United States, one of the greatest strategists that the United States has ever produced. He had his headquarters in the Philippines. What did he do? He retired saying what he famously said: “I will return!” Yes, when they defeated the Japanese. That is the part he did not say. Of course, comrades, because we will return. Yes, they returned. But when did they return? When the Japanese were undermined, undermined by the struggle in China and in the various oppressed nations of the East.
It is therefore the oppressed peoples who have resisted the Japanese beast, which is once again at its best. Think about this simply to see what it has cost the United States. 100,000 soldiers, that is all that World War II has cost them, most of them dead in the East, you see? And fearing that the war on the Western European front having ended, and as the agreements said, the USSR would have to turn its front against Japan, fearing that the Red Army would expand, they had to use the atomic bomb; yes, that clearly shows how politics directs the war, the Japanese were going to be crushed, they could not resist, the justifications they want to give us today are just that, justifications.
So, World War II is a fact of great significance. The prestige of the USSR rose high above the earth, just look at the newspapers of the time. I remember, comrades, when the victory was over, yes, I was in Callao, how the factory and ship sirens sounded when Germany surrendered! Because by then the war was already won, the only thing left was to end it, it was a worldwide uproar, as I also remember, as if I were seeing it today, how the pages of the newspapers were already raising the atomic bomb like a cudgel to scare the fearful by asking us: is there a risk of disintegration, will the earth disintegrate? A foolish thing because if there had been such a risk, would scientists have dropped the atomic bomb? It makes no sense, that is, that is not seeing the political essence that directs the war, weapons are used in function of political objectives; that little bomb killed a whopping 60 thousand people in Hiroshima; Nagasaki was 145,000, and yet more are commemorated or remembered than Hiroshima because it was the first time, but in Nagasaki there were 145,000 more. These are events of transcendence that are shaping the minds of people in those turbulent times.