Weekly Newsletter
We publish an unofficial translation of the excerpt on Mexico of article by Sol Rojo México.
In Guerrero, the Tlachinollan Mountain Human Rights Center celebrated its 30th anniversary on the side of the people, and it did so by presenting a report titled “Unbeatable Memory, Heart of Steel!” in which they count the various stages of this civil society project and the struggles that it has participated in. “With the cosmogony of the peoples followed a poem that denounces the tidal wave of State violence and of organized crime groups, weaves the events from the dirty war, the flights of death, the shrapnel of the chiefs and governmental repressors, the infamy and perversity of the military, the generals torturers. But also the rebellious story of a rebellious people they wanted to silence with the army’s murderous bullets. The peasants had to go back to the mountains, clandestinely, to face the State assassins. Lucio Cabañas Barrientos was the best known and the most uncomfortable for neoliberal governments. The families paid with their lives, others are missing. It was a war of extermination. The serious violations committed by the State have had continuity, such as the Ayotzinapa case, with the disappearance of 43 students that in 2024 marked a decade of impunity” . The work carried out by the Tlachinollan comrades is widely recognized and supported by the People’s movement as a whole at the level national and international.
In Chiapas, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) reported that on December 12, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) must issue a ruling in the case of Antonio González Méndez vs. Mexico. In a statement Frayba has stated: “The sentence that the Inter-American Court will issue is not only crucial for Antonio’s family, who has tirelessly demanding answers for almost 26 years, but also to all the victims of State terrorism in Chiapas, perpetrated within the framework of counterinsurgency political violence in which they conducted crimes against humanity such as massacres, sexual torture against indigenous women, forced disappearances and forced displacements, extrajudicial executions, among others.” Antonio is a comrade of the support base of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) that was let disappear in the State of Chiapas on January 18, 1999 by the paramilitary group “Develop Peace and Justice.”
In Michoacan, on December 3, comrades from the Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacán (CSIM) carried out at least 7 road blockades against the so-called “constitutional reform on indigenous matters” of the State because it is considered discriminatory. In a statement the comrades state: “By decision of General Assembly of Authorities, the CSIM will carry out highway seizures peacefully throughout the State, to demand the right to consultation on legislative measures that affect indigenous peoples, the Initiative Constitutional Law Reform on Indigenous Matters of #Michoacán, presented by the Governor is discriminatory, since it only establishes the delivery of the direct State budget to 40 communities that have self-government, discriminating against 460 communities that are not governed by practices and customs.” In the entity at least 41 indigenous communities have recognition of their self-government, enjoying a direct budget, and there are two more, Nurío (Paracho), and Ostula (Aquila) whom the State refuses to recognize in the middle of strong processes of resistance and defense of the territory.
In Mexico City,today the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) marched to protect the dialogue meetings between the National Negotiation Commission (CNUN) and the presidency of the republic, represented today in the figure of Claudia Sheinbaum. The CNTE has at least 4 central demands: 1) Repeal of the false-called “educational reform” EPN-AMLO, 2) Repeal of the ISSSTE Law, 3) Decent salary increase to the base salary of the teachers nationwide, and 4) Freedom for political prisoners and justice for the victims of the repression left by the false-called “educational reform.”
In Oaxaca, on December 16 and 17, CNTE (National Coordination of Education Workers) will commemorate 45 years of class and revolutionary struggle, for which the democratic teachers prepares its forces to participate in a massive national march which will depart on December 16 at 9:00 a.m. from the Juárez Monument to the Zócalo of the city, where for two days there will be forums and discussion panels on the history of the CNTE 45 years after its creation, an educational panel, pedagogical sharing, a legal panel and a demanding justice panel. We greet the long struggle of the democratic teachers and the 45 years of the National Coordination of Education Workers. From Chiapas to Sonora, with the Coordination! The teacherstruggling is also teaching!