Commemorative events in London and Turkey for the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution

Featured image: commemorative events carried out in Istanbul. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

More commemoration events were organized within the scope of the Commemoration Week of the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution. We already reported on the round of events and activities carried out in several countries of Europe and in Turkey.

There were two events in Istanbul. The first one began with a moment of silence in memory of the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution. Partizan representatives greeted the attendants and a statement by the PŞTA (Partizan Martyrs and Prisoner Families) was read out. The statement highlighted the “importance of insisting on stronger organization, independent line and action under the leadership of the proletariat. The oppressed nations and peoples reveal the need to organize the independent revolutionary war against the danger of imperialist war.” It was emphasized that the path to be followed is of the martyrs such as “Comrades Ibrahim, Nubar, Ali Haydar, Özgür, Deniz, Meral, Rosa and Asmin, and other hundreds of martyrs”.

A message by imprisoned Partizan members was read out, in which the role of the Martyrs in Turkey was highlighted: “Turkey is a land of revolution. The masses giving blood and life to the revolutionary-communist ranks are the clearest proof and guarantee of this. The martyrs who are paving the way of the revolution were lined up with honor all over these lands. On occasion of January 2025 we commemorate the martyrs of revolution and communism, which made death meaningful. We greet all our martyrs and prisoner families from the dungeons.” After this message a documentary was screened out.

In the second event held, families of martyrs met and held a moment of silence in memory of the martyrs. Afterwards a speech by the PŞTA was read out as well as a message by the imprisoned Partizan members. Poems by Bertolt Brecht and Chairman Mao Tse-tung were read out, and folk songs were sang at the end of the event.

The Party’s and the Revolution’s martyrs were also commemorated in London, held at Idea FABRIKA. The event started with a moment of silence in memory of the martyrs. Afterwards the participants of the event were greeted with the opening speech made by Partizan. The event continued with the screening of a movie. Then the statement of the Party of the Proletariat was read out. At the end of the event, folk song and anthems were sang.

Source: Yeni Demokrasi

Additionally banners were hanged up in Izmir and Istanbul. The following slogans were written in them: “Martyrs of the Revolution are Immortal”, “Comrade Ali Haydar Yıldız is Immortal”, “Those Who Dedicated a Limited Life to an Unlimited Cause are Immortal”, “We are on the Red Path of Ibo”.

Source: Yeni Demokrasi

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