Bulletin of the Workers’ League of Brazil

We publish this unofficial translation of the bulletin of Workers League (Liga Operária) found in A Nova Democracia.

Workers League

Long live the Classist and Combative Struggle! Long live the worker-peasant alliance!

Long live the Classist and Combative 1st of May!

Long live the day of proletarian internationalism

The Workers League [Liga Operária] greet the international proletariat, the most advanced class in history, whose scientific and true ideology embodied by the popular masses are capable of sweeping the system of exploitation and oppression, that devastates all peoples and nations of the world, from the face of the earth. We greet the revolutionaries that constitutes the International Communist League and the popular masses of the whole world. The workers, peasants, indigenous and quilombolas, honest intellectuals, public functionaries, women, the old of the people and the combating youth, that struggles against the subjection by the big landlords, the big bourgeoisie and imperialism, mainly Yankee (North American).

We greet the oppressed peoples and nations that heroically resists the aggression of the imperialist powers and superpowers, that with struggle and collusion, seeking the partition and reparation of an already divided world. Manly the masses organized and lead by proletarian vanguards in the People’s Wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines. We greet the National Liberation Struggles in Palestine, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, in North Africa and Middle East, as we also greet the struggles of the proletariat in the imperialist countries, where masses are all-mighty, are organized and leaded by a revolutionary conscious vanguard, they rise up to defend and consolidate their path in the struggle against imperialism and their lackeys and build a new world.

We greet all the people’s heroes in struggle of the emancipation of the class, that spilled and continue spilling their generous blood, with the Chicago’s -USA’s workers, killed in the struggle journals of the historic 1st of May of 2886. This date is celebrated by all the struggle people in all the world. And it must be maintained in the highest position, reaffirming that the companions: Albert Parsons, Louis Lingg, Adolf Fischer, George Engel, August Spies, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden and Oscar Neebe (from the upside image) are heroes of the international proletariat and will always be present in our struggles! Let’s be firm in this struggle, organizing us y taking with our hands our destiny.

“Proletarians has nothing to loose but their chains, they have a world to win” -Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


Out from Ukraine the Russian invasor and NATO’s pro-yankees imperialist troops!

The heroic Ukrainian resistance is reaffirmed as an important light of the anti-imperialist struggles against Russian regressor and the OTAN imperialist’ forces, imposing hard strategical loosees in the Russian occupation, beating in several imperialist invader’s regions. In this scenario, the Russian imperialism turn their attentions into their minimum objective: taking the Dombass, where, today, the Russian troops controls just a part on the east. The government of Zelensky follows the strategy to divide Ukraine and capitulation. He wants that other imperialist nations enter in the war, and attributes to the Yankee imperialism the right to negotiate with Russians about the destiny of the conflict. Without a revolutionary proletarian consequent direction, the popular Ukraine masses that are active in the resistance war conforming militias and stopping serious looses of the Russian invader.

Only the working masses and the true Ukrainian patriots, mobilized by the direction of the proletarian vanguard, can win, taking back their territory part by part, continuing the resistance until the complete expulsion of the imperialist invasor and impeding the interference of other powers and yanqui super power.

Long live the heroic resistance of the Ukraine people and the nation!


Without illusions: rise high the people’s rebellion!

French people rebelled against the retirement “reform” of Emmanuel Macron

War of raptors, generalized misery, pandemics and hunger as part of the usual for the poorest masses that are brutally affected by the general crisis of decomposing of the imperialism and its son: the bureaucratic capitalism. What can be easily seen is a exploitation and oppression system fighting with an old wound and looks for the old solutions during their last breath. The partition of the world between the great powers and the systematical attempts against the miserable democratic liberties imposing, stone by stone, the fascism way. In our country, the puppets change their names, but follow the same historical path as part of imperialism applying their three reactionary tasks. In the first place, they fight to restructure the old State, a task that is in the hands of the PT, that do not even can sustain its cowardly discourse. Their demagogy hides fascism and tries to justify how they are taking the old reactionary politics. Secondly, the plans to try to get the country out of the crisis are under the direction of Mr. Fernando Haddad, with his frustrated little project to launch a new generation of followers of Mr. Luís Inácio. Third, the growing rebellion of the masses faces a raging counter-revolutionary offensive, but finds the organization of the masses as a fortress that pulsates its strategic weight. Why it is necessary a big effective of troops to follow the peasant masses in Rondônia in the Manoel Ribeiro camp? A banner with the consign written: “we will come back stronger and more prepared” proves the increasing struggle capacity of the combative peasant movement and of its political force.

What we are living, Companions, are real battles! The nurses rises up against the definition of their salary and the teachers struggle for the payment of them; the bus drivers makes big strikes supported by the country and point out their political force in the function of the old society; the privatization of our natural resources concentrates the combat resistance for the privatization of water in the city of Ouro Preto.

Let’s abandon any type of illusion and let’s struggle!

The opportunist illusions are no longer believable and the electoral discuss becomes smaller in every election. Our tactic is sustained in our struggle and our organization capacity. Let’s fight o build a General Strike of National Resistance that shows our classism, combative spirit and independence. In our historical 1st of May, let’s rise high its significance celebrating the foundation of the great International Communist League; let’s show our more conscious and systematized knowledge and concreting in our diary struggle that finds its vanguard and assumes the revolutionary path. Enough illusions!

Prepare the General Strike of National Resistance!

The union movement of all the stragglers of the class must fight under a plan of unity and action, for the repeal of the anti-worker and land-selling laws and for the guarantee of demonstration and organization. This movement is fundamental to impose a class direction that overcomes the consciousness and organization merely by categories, advancing in class consciousness and strengthening the national and popular character of the struggle against the increase of exploitation and repression against people and against the bloodletting of natural wealth imposed by big landowners/agribusiness, mining companies, banks, etc. Let’s follow the example of the combative general strike in France, that shakes the country against the austerity measures!

Strengthen and ampliate the worker-peasant alliance!

Denounce of the peasent of the area of Tiago dos Santos, in Rondônia

In the countryside, the main scenario of the class struggle in our country, peasants, quilombolas and indigenous people fight against the reactionary offensive of large state and the “rural bussiness” whose follows committing all kind of crimes without consequences against the country and the people. Peasant movement opposes to this reactionary large state offensive multiplying the takes of lands, with dozens of occupations, demanding the expropriation of this large states and the distribution of this lands to the peasants.

A hard police and paramilitary repression from the large state wants, without effect, stop this fair and unstoppable struggle for the land, through murders and persecutions, how this constant murders of peasants in Rondônia, at the area of Tiago dos Santos, and at the Escurão camp, and with recent political imprisonments of socia leaders of the struggle for land, as the National Front of Struggles [Frente Nacional de Luchas – FNL], José Rainha, and the activist of League of Poor Peasants [Liga dos Camponeses Pobres – LCP], Luzivaldo, at the municipality of Campina Verde, Minas Gerais.

This historical 1st of May, we must express our proletarian internationalism pushing the popular rebellion at countryside and city. The Workers League greets the sacred fight for the land in our country, that express the ongoing agrarian revolution, and assumes it as example of daily struggle, empowering the strategy and vital alliance between workers and peasantry.

Land for whose live and work it! Long live the Agrarian Revolution!

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