We hereby share an article we found here.

CURRENT SITUATION: NOTES ON THE GLOBAL CRISIS (22. Background and possibilities of current development of the Palestinian Resistance war)

Israel has launched four major military attacks on Gaza – in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014 and 2021 – to destroy the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance. These wars killed four thousand Palestinians, more than half of whom were civilians, along with 106 people in Israel. In the current military campaign of Israel’s war against Palestine, more than 42 thousand Palestinians have already been killed, most of whom are civilians, including thousands of children.

Each of these wars ended with a fragile ceasefire. Israel aims to destroy the Palestinian resistance and to complete the displacement of part of the population in order to complete its colonialist plans of conquest with the direction, advice and active participation of US imperialism and other imperialist and lackey states in the region.

The pretext has always been Hamas’ rocket attacks. Hamas and other militant groups claim that even when they have respected previous ceasefires, Israel has continued to attack Palestinians and has refused to lift the blockade.

Ahead of October 2023, Hamas has offered a long-term truce in exchange for Israel ending the blockade of Gaza. Israel has refused to accept the offer, clinging to its position that Hamas must first end the violence and recognize Israel.

In the months leading up to the Palestinian Resistance’s military counter-campaign, conditions in Gaza and the other “occupied territories” have deteriorated further according to UN sources.

This is the background to previous clashes in this war of Resistance of the Palestinian people against the forces of the Zionist-imperialist occupier. Added to this background is Iran’s response to the attack by the Zionist State of Israel against one of its diplomatic headquarters in recent months. It should be remembered that in 2014, the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khamenei, spoke of sending 70,000 volunteers to fight alongside the Palestinians in Gaza against the Zionists and then deactivated the preparation, declaring that Iran’s hands were tied.

Will this time be more of the same?

A commentator on this attitude of Iran, in similar situations in the past, with grand declarations, without specifying a greater involvement in the Palestinian resistance war against the Zionists, commented that possibly Iran did not want to be involved in a conventional war and that it preferred to act in a limited way in its asymmetric war against the Zionists and the Yankee imperialists through Hezbollah, the Yemeni guerrillas and the Shiite forces of Iraq, such as those that attacked the Yankee military base yesterday.

This attack in Iraq allows us to foresee that Iran’s response could be to continue with attacks of the same style but with greater propaganda impact. Even more so taking into account the current deployment of more US imperialist military forces to that area.

In other words, the US imperialists plan the Zionist attacks and then put them behind their backs to try to prevent the response of the just punishment of their opponents, acting like the neighborhood bully who sends his gang to attack.

Bear in mind that the foreign chief of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran was in favor of the path of negotiations, so he had contradictions with those who are in favor of the path of prolonged armed Resistance within the Resistance and Hamas itself.

Another piece of news that must be taken into account in order to see what will happen in the next few days or weeks is the upcoming elections in the US in November and that Netalyhau has met on his visit to the US, recently, with Biden and Trump, who apparently have a common position so that the issue does not become a very sharp confrontation in the campaign. For this reason, we present two news items from the bourgeois press, one from El País and another from FAZ of Germany:

Here we share the links to the bourgeois press articles mentioned:

El Pais:


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