We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a statement published by the Front for the Defense of the Struggles of the People in Ecuador.
The elections in Venezuela have ended and once again, Maduro is elected as president.
It is not our responsibility to analyze if it was a fraud or not, it is not important, why? Because the elections themselves are a fraud, a bourgeois hoax that ties the masses to bourgeois-landlord democracy, because that Democracy, like all others, has a class character and consequently they are ready to sustain the old order of big bourgeois and big landlords.
What is occurring in Venezuela? There is an inter-bourgeois struggle that clarifies and deepens the semi-colonial path; that means, which imperialism is the one that positions in a greater and better way. That’s all.
The elections were crucial for the plans of imperialism, and we are not referring to Yankee imperialism, but also to the interests that Russia has in the region.
But the gringos look for more, they want more. Venezuela is crucial for their objectives. Well, all Latin American countries are important for the plans of Yankee imperialism, but, in the current scenario, the war in Ukraine, the explosive situation in the Middle East; the movement of the Russian war fleet to Cuba, to Venezuela, their important presence in Nicaragua, in short, all of this turn on the alerts of the US that see their strategic backyard violated and, obviously, it concerns them.
That the elections in Venezuela do not solve the problems of the masses is a fact. But there is also another fact, the way of functioning of the most reactionary groups of that society that is directly sponsored by the gringos. It is as if they had a behavior manual on how to react to potential enemies.
Before the electoral hoaxes they create a triumphalist atmosphere, they yield results from pollsters at their service, present themselves as winners, create small riots, as we say here, are “vaccinated” just in case things don’t work out. Then, when the results are not favorable to them, they jump, scream, they rebel, they promote mobilizations, many of them violent, but, in the collective, among the masses, the idea of triumph has already been “seeded.” Did not Lasso’s followers made the same? In this way, the masses are alienated, dragged into fratricidal confrontations; they are deviated from the path on which they really should travel.
But that is one aspect of how electoral processes take place. They express, in a definitive and strong manner, that, both for some and for others, the elections are manipulable, deceitful, they play with the will of the masses who still believe in that process, and much more in Venezuela, where this is along with an allegorically revolutionary, anti-imperialist narrative or, from the game of freedoms and democracy in the abstract.
It is not enough to say that there, in Venezuela, they are the ones who must solve their problems, their contradictions. The antagonisms are deep, irreconcilable and yes, since there is no correct political and ideological direction within the masses, the “revolutionaries of the 21st century” have been able to launch their networks and attract many sectors of the poor masses who see, in these organizations and governments, the possibility of solving their basic problems, fundamental. That is where populism operates, and to a certain extent, fascism.
But that’s the scenario. What corresponds to us? Activate proletarian internationalism. Struggle to organize the proletariat under the correct ideological line; build instruments and while marching forward, dismantle, dynamite and bury that rotten ideological line of “communists” and “socialists” voters and opportunists who live like amoebas, glued to the bureaucratic structure of the old State, taking support from and trafficking with the hunger and struggles of the people. That is important. However, we consider that, in Venezuela, the fundamental contradiction is for now, nation-imperialism, and we must contribute in everything we can to make the masses of Venezuela fight imperialism, of all stripes, fundamentally Yankee; expel it, neutralize it, by all possible means.
We cannot stop supporting the great majorities, those sectors that have entered into contradictions with imperialism under the pretext that they are led by Maduro. Let us remember China, the temporary alliance with the Kuomintang, In the first moment, it was essential to defeat and expel Japanese imperialism. It is no different in Venezuela; we must defeat and expel the Yankees, and all the other expression of imperialism. This is what corresponds.
The gringos do not hesitate on organizing and funding the most reactionaries of that society. They organize armed groups, buy and corrupt the members of the armed apparatuses of the State to turn them against the regime. They want to recover the lost spaces in that country at any price. Who will pay with blood? The masses.
In Ecuador we live in similar scenario. They put up a mammoth like president. Now, we are in danger of turning from a semi-colony into a colony. And it is not that, with a ‘progressive’ or ‘left’ government the things are different, but it is important to be clear that the fundamental contradiction in the world is oppressed nations-imperialism, and we must sharpen the tactics and strategy in order to confront this antagonism without this means that we neglect secondary contradictions, as is the case of mass-feudalism, confiscate bureaucratic capitalism and eradicate the great bourgeois-big landlord property.