Greece: 10th Conference of the Communist Party of Greece (Marxist-Leninist) was completed
Hereby we share a document we have received.
Between the 5th and 7th of July the 10th Conference of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) was completed. The Conference started with a massive political event at the Panteion University. At the beginning of the event a video was shown dedicated to the life and journey of Andreas Vogiatzoglou, the comrade Secretary of the Organization who passed away in 2022 (
Then the political speeches of the comrades Thodoris Fotopoulos ( and Nikos Papavassiliou (, on behalf of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, were presented during the conference process.
The event was attended and greeted by the following organizations from Greece:
Enduring Struggle,
Workers’ Revolutionary Party (LPR),
Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece (EKKE),
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece (M-L KKE),
New Left Current for Communist Liberation (NAR)
Consistent Communist Forces (CCP)
From abroad, the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist Leninist (TKP/ML) and the Communist Construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau) from Germany addressed the Conference.
Greetings from abroad to the 10th conference were sent by the organizations:
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist League of Norway – To Serve the People,
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist),
People’s Current – Red Sun – Mexico,
Maoist Communist Party – Spanish State,
Marxist Leninist Communist Organization – Proletarian Way – OCML-VP, France
All the greetings are on the CPG(m-l) site (
On Saturday and Sunday the body of delegates discussed both the political developments and the situation in the world and in the country, and the needs and demands of the class struggle in the conditions in which it is conducted in the present period. The body of delegates discussed the account of the organization’s action in recent years, its strengths and weaknesses and pointed out the directions in which it will move in the coming period. The dominant element was the common ground for a worthwhile communist organization with revolutionary communist characteristics. On this basis, the direction of the reconstitution of the revolutionary communist movement and party that the CPG(m-l) must undertake and promote was highlighted.
In the discussion and throughout the process, the dominant element was the active and structured participation of dozens of young comrades who with demandingness and responsibility pointed out weaknesses and delays, as well as the conditions and ways in which they must and can be addressed in order to take steps in the direction of a mass revolutionary communist organization with an upgraded role in the movement and in the mass struggle. The liveliness of the discussion, its upgraded level and the new potential that arised are promising elements that show the possibilities that exist for CPG(m-l) to be able in the coming period to take on more decisively more and more important tasks in the class struggle. The body of delegates voted in favor of the recommendations of the outgoing Central Committee which as decisions of the 10th Conference will be published soon and elected a new Steering Body. The new Central Committee elected a three-member Secretariat.
In the assessment that new and greater waves of struggle lie ahead of us against the savage capitalist attack, imperialist dependence, and against the escalation of the war dangers that threaten peoples around the world and our people, the decisions of the 10th Conference constitute a commitment to serve this struggle, to support it in order to bring successes and modifications to the heavy negative correlation. On the same basis, the decisions of the 10th Conference constitute a call to the working people and the youth for collective action and fight in order to find an answer and an avenue for the desire to fight and the struggles of the masses for life and work with rights and for the constitution of their revolutionary perspective.